Jan 21, 2004 19:44

I found these questions under a speed dating inquiry to decide whether a person proceeds to the next round of dating…… Considering I never make it to the first date, let alone the second, I figured I would take this time to date you all….. and if I make it to your second round…. let me know ;) (btw… I’m not desperate.. this is only for fun. Do not try this at home)

Where are you from? Soddy- Daisy, TN

Tell me about your family. My mother and (stepfather) are awesome, supportive, and very close friends. My dad and stepmother are mean, vengeful, and want to always be there when I fail so they can say I told you so (but they’re cool sometimes). I’m not very close with the rest of my family. I have one brother and one sister and a father I’ve never met.

How do you think you are viewed by others? As a loud-mouthed, open-minded, extraverted person who varies from ecstatically happy to emotional and depressing. I am currently working on this in therapy. heh.

Are you a democrat, republican or unaffiliated? I would like to say I’m unaffiliated, but I’m so Not a republican that I have to be a Democrat….haha

What are you the most proud of in your life? My talent, my friends, and my cat

What makes you happy, brings joy to your life? See question above

What do you cherish the most in life? Uh… gay question… how do all three of these questions ask the same thing with different words? I’m confused, now.

What do you do for exercise? Go to the gym… run on the treadmills…. work high reps with low weight. If you don’t understand this… obviously YOU don’t work out, so it doesn’t really matter, eh?

What kind of restaurants do you like? J. Alexanders. Period. If you want me to like you, take me there.

What are your favorite indoor activities? Reading, painting, blogging, watching movies.

What are your favorite outdoor activities? Photography, running around the park, throwing frisbee, walking the bridge, window shopping on frazier, laying out with friends.

If divorced, how long have you been divorced?  Are you still friendly with your ex? Um….never been married, eh.

How old are your children? somewhere in the large negative numbers

Do you want more children? not if I keep dating assholes….

How long was your last relationship?  When did it end?  Why did it end? It was on and off for a year… it ended in early september, and it ended because he was “not ready for a relationship”.(which means he was not ready for a relationship with ME) Garson doesn’t count.

Tell me about your work?  What do you like about your job?  Where do you see yourself two years from now? I LIKE NOTHING ABOUT MY JOB.. I WILL NOT BE THERE IN TWO YEARS

Where do you see yourself in five years? At the beginning of a successful singing career

What are your strengths and weaknesses? strengths: people skills, fun, music…
weaknesses: anxiety at times, low self esteem, that’s enough..

What do you do on a typical Saturday or Sunday? uh… work…or sleep

Do you believe in love at first sight? no… and whether or not I believe in love remains to be seen

Who is your role model of a good marriage? Is there a good marriage anywhere?

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? avoided credit companies…haha

What was the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? I’ll have to get back to you on that…

Have you ever had a life-changing experience? everyday

What do you think is the most misunderstood thing about your gender by the opposite sex? If we’re pretty… it doesn’t necessarily mean we’re dumb

Do you believe there is such a thing as a “soul mate?”. no, not really

Tell me what you feel is the most important value in a relationship (e.g., honesty, money, fidelity, openness, sense of humor, intelligence, integrity, common denominators)? honesty and openness…. but you have to know what to keep to yourself……

How do you view yourself? see question #3….. but add beautiful and talented.

What was the most embarrassing moment in your life? I do a lot of embarrassing things… but I’m not easily embarrassed… so I’d have to say I don’t know of one

If you could be any age for a day, what age would you be? Why? Um, if at some point I’m going to be every age… then why don’t I just stay the age I am… I already know what it’s like to be every earlier age….

If you had three wishes, what would they be? I would wish to have no more debt ever, to be completely stress free, and to find love.

If you had to write your epitaph, what would it be? She is dead…. get on with it

What’s your claim to fame? My voice

What is your most prized material possession? Don’t really have one… maybe my camera?

Would you rather enjoy a summer picnic beside a country river or dine in an upscale restaurant in Toronto? Never had either…. how would I know? dining outside would be more appealing if there were no bugs.

What was the single greatest day of your life? When I was first chair All State on flute…. I felt like I could do anything… and also when I graduated from Air Force Basic Training.

What was your favorite subject in school? Why? English… poetry, etc. and I love to read.

What is a significant memory from childhood? Eating waffles and watching the mickey mouse club and my grandmother’s house before school. Winning the spelling bee…..

What single political or social issue is most important to you? getting george bush out of the white house… that can be considered a political issue… haha

Do you believe in reincarnation? I’ll tell you when I return as a cat

What’s your favorite animal? Why? cats…. because pepe has brainwashed me

Would you rather go in a submarine or a space ship? Why? submarine…water doesn’t scare me as much as space

What is your favorite season? Why? spring, early summer… the weather, duh.

Do you believe in the afterlife? hmm….. still deciding

Do you have close friends of the opposite sex? oh yes..

What you do wish your parents would have told you? to leave guys alone

What book are you reading now? just finished reading YOU HAVE TO KISS A LOT OF FROGS it was great.

What was the most recent movie you saw? Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

What’s your favorite movie of all time? umm.. I’m not sure.. but a close runner would be So, I married an axe murderer.

What did you get away with in high school that you’ve still never told anyone about? Are you kidding?… I was a goody goody in high school….. I guess I got away with having a girlfriend… heh.

Do you have a favorite website? yeah.. mine..haha

What birthday do you best remember and why? uh… mine… cuz it’s mine… geez… stop with the stupid questions, already

Who is your favorite musician? wow, that’s a good one…. there are so many, i can’t really answer that question… but if anyone really cares to know.. I’ll dedicate an entire blog to it…

What person has most influenced you in your life…and why? My father… he wasn’t there and taught me that you can only depend on yourself…. and My mother…. who was there and taught me to give everyone a chance and to love.

Who is your hero (anyone from history or your life) and why? blahblahblahblah
i’m tired of answering questions….

Who is the most interesting person you have ever met? Why?blahblahblah.. i’m tired of answering questions (and yes…. i would say this on my speed date)

What one thing would you want me to appreciate about you? My intellect.. my sense of humor…. just appreciate everything, dude… come on, really….
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