May 22, 2007 22:45
I was running away
Away from the world
Away from everything and everyone
Nothing else mattered
Running as fast as possible
Running away from everything
People I love
People I care about
People I trust
Just running away
Away from problems
Away from life
Or was it just avoidance?
Avoidance of life
Avoidance of everything and everyone
I kept running and running and running
Because it felt so good
It felt better
Better than what
Better than hurting
I kept running as though…
Nothing else mattered
It was the easy way out
A way to freedom
To run away
Escape the world
I ran and I kept going until…
I ran so far
That it hurt too
I stopped running
To face the demons
To face the world
To face life
I was running
Running away
I choose to live.