Comment on Marc's Journal (week 11)

May 22, 2007 21:12


I remember doing this play last year, I thought that it was an excellent portrayal as you do of "wit". I enjoyed the movie much more than I did reading the play.
I think with plays you need to see them or have them read by people to understand it a lot better.
I like your view on the whole movie, I think that the portrayal of Vivians’ life is interesting, I think that she thought she had plenty of time to enjoy life for what it was when she was at retiring age. However we know that she also at first seemed to be a selfish person and one devoted entirely to her studies of poetry. It’s also interesting to watch her character change and develop into someone that finally realises that turn they actually need someone in their live to share it with. When the doctor turns out to be an ex-student of hers I think that she starts to change as a person. It really shocked her that it was him; I think that seeing him making a life for himself as she did, maybe she had a secret wish that his life will not turn out like hers.
All in all I think that this play is really interesting and one that is worth studying. I think that you will really enjoy Literature in 2nd year first semester when you will look at Chekhov and Wilde, especially "The Importance of Being Earnest".

You might also like to have a look at what I wrote about the “Wit” last year, the url is:
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