Nov 19, 2005 23:37
crypticbijou: how's Tawas?
michelleann8705: oh D, I just want to come home
michelleann8705: well i do but i don't
michelleann8705: so much drama right now
michelleann8705: i hate it
michelleann8705: i just want to die
crypticbijou: talk to me about it..what's going on?
michelleann8705: I tried to help kyle out by breaking up with Kati, but everyone turned on me and now i'm the one who ruined the relationship
michelleann8705: i fucking can't take it
crypticbijou: first of all, besides katie, who turned on you..secondly, you didn't ruin anything
crypticbijou: michelle...just talk to me
michelleann8705: i hope not
michelleann8705: grr i'm so mad!
michelleann8705: i don't know what to do
crypticbijou: first off, just relax for a bit...don't get worked up over something like, who besides katie thinks you ruined everything
michelleann8705: just kati
michelleann8705: but now kara is all trying to get me to convince kyle to stay with her and not go back to kati and i finally just blew up and was like no he will make his own decisions he's a big boy
crypticbijou: you did the right thing though michelle
michelleann8705: i hope so
michelleann8705: but now kati hates me
crypticbijou: she'll get over it...and if she doesn't, then that's her lose
crypticbijou: let me ask you a question
michelleann8705: sure
crypticbijou: if you could turn the clock around and be put in the exact situation again...would you do anything differently?
michelleann8705: i would have told kati the truth that kyle doesn't feel the same as she feels
michelleann8705: and that he isn't worth her tears
michelleann8705: that she cries on a daily basis because of him
crypticbijou: you think she would have listened?
michelleann8705: no
michelleann8705: and D, I'm sorry for everything i've put you through
michelleann8705: I know that I can't make up my mind
michelleann8705: but I do like you a lot
michelleann8705: and i just got scared after the whole liz thing
michelleann8705: and after you told me taht you cheated on liz so manytimes
michelleann8705: ...i just don't want to get hurt again
crypticbijou: hold up a sec michelle..for starters, you didn't put me through anything..I cant' fault you for your curiosity, nor would i ever consider that..i wasn't mad at you...and about the whole cheating was a combanation of a lot of things..she left me over the summer for someone the time i was broke, and couldn't spoil her like i did she left me for someone who could do that for her
crypticbijou: michelle, i really do like you
michelleann8705: i c
michelleann8705: i really like you too
crypticbijou: i understand what you're feeling though
michelleann8705: I just don't want to get hurt, and your moving after this semester right?
michelleann8705: and i couldn't start something that is going to get ended so fast
crypticbijou: i'm not moving..i talked to housing and they agreed to let me stay..i just have to move to a different dorm
michelleann8705: really?!
crypticbijou: and marcus, your head guy for the freshman, are pretty close..he pulled a lot of strings to help me out
michelleann8705: wow!
michelleann8705: omg i'm so happy now
crypticbijou: really?!?
crypticbijou: i'm not much to be happy about
michelleann8705: oh hush
crypticbijou: i'm sorry about trying to be all touchy-feely during the movie the other night
michelleann8705: omg don't worry about it
michelleann8705: i was just nervous
michelleann8705: believe it or not, i get pretty shy and nervous at times...
crypticbijou: lol..i find that hard to believe..but i can picture it
michelleann8705: yea i was really nervous...
crypticbijou: about what?
michelleann8705: you
michelleann8705: and how i know i will fall head over heels for you
michelleann8705: and i'm scared to get hurt
crypticbijou: do you mind if i make a little confession?
michelleann8705: sure
crypticbijou: whenver I know that you're coming over, i get insanly happy...since the day you walked to my place in the rain with me and sarah, there was something about you that sparked my attention...I don't think i have the capability to ever hurt you..i see something more than just physical beauty (which you have an abundence of)...i see something more than that...and i havent' felt this way in a very long time
michelleann8705: D you are going to make me cry
crypticbijou: aww..don't cry
crypticbijou: it's just how i feel
crypticbijou: i mean, even at nicoles party when you were realy inebriated...the simple fact that you were there made me happy...i didn't have to kiss you, or even lay beside you that night...jsut being able to look at you once in awhile gave me a feeling of momentary bliss
crypticbijou: even if it was just for a moment
michelleann8705: D you are so amazing
michelleann8705: i don't even know what to say
crypticbijou: it's don't have to say anything
michelleann8705: just promise that you won't hurt me?
crypticbijou: i don't think i had the ability to do so
crypticbijou: i couldn't hurt u
michelleann8705: i hope not
crypticbijou: cause i would only be hurting myself
michelleann8705: awww D!
michelleann8705: okay now i'm going to have your babies
michelleann8705: lol
crypticbijou:'re way too cute for words
crypticbijou: if it makes you feel better, it took me half the movie to gather up the courage to even touch you
michelleann8705: aww!!!!
michelleann8705: i was just so nervous...
michelleann8705: i felt like a little junior high girl on her first date
crypticbijou: aww
michelleann8705: D I think we should see eachother
crypticbijou: why do you feel that way?
michelleann8705: because you make me happy
michelleann8705: and you make me feel good about myself
michelleann8705: but if you don't want to i understant...
michelleann8705: *understand
crypticbijou: michelle, i would jump through hoops for a chance to be close to you
crypticbijou: how about this
crypticbijou: when i get back next sunday, how about you come over and let's talk, maybe watch a movie or something..and see if you still feel that way
michelleann8705: okay sounds perfect
michelleann8705: i can't wait
crypticbijou: me niether hon
crypticbijou: just know that no matter how down you are..or how depressed you get...that there is someone who genuinly cares about you
michelleann8705: i know
michelleann8705: thank you
michelleann8705: you have made me so happy just now
crypticbijou: well now you know how i feel everytime i see you
michelleann8705: why do you have to be so great?
michelleann8705: lol
crypticbijou: lol..i don't try to be
michelleann8705: well are so good at it
crypticbijou: make it easy for me
crypticbijou: i would do anything to make you smile
michelleann8705: why do you have to be so far away right now, i just want to give you the biggest hug and never let go
crypticbijou: if it was up to me I would be there with you right now
michelleann8705: okay, now its offical, i'm going to keep you forever
crypticbijou: aww *blush*
michelleann8705: hahahahahaha, wife just asked me if black people can blush...
michelleann8705: haha
michelleann8705: (non racially)
crypticbijou: haha...yes, we takes a lot to do that though
michelleann8705: okay now she understands
michelleann8705: lol
crypticbijou: lol
crypticbijou: aww, my 3 year old cousin just said you were pretty
michelleann8705: aww!!!
michelleann8705: give your cousin a big hug from me!
crypticbijou: i will when he comes back in the room...he's watching Nimo on my laptop
michelleann8705: aww!
crypticbijou: i got back home and my cousin needed me to babysit because their sitter is out of i'm stuck home on a saturday night with a 3 year old and a 2 month old
michelleann8705: aww!
michelleann8705: well i bet you are having a blast
michelleann8705: you love little kids
crypticbijou: suprisingly I am
crypticbijou: unfortuntly, Stephan (the two month old) decided that he's hungry and needs a diaper i'm gonna go and attend to him for a bit..hopefully i can get him to sleep again
michelleann8705: aww
michelleann8705: good luck
michelleann8705: i will talk to you when you get back!
michelleann8705: give the baby a kiss from me
crypticbijou: i shall
crypticbijou: *hugs and kisses*
crypticbijou: bye
michelleann8705: *hugs and kisses*
michelleann8705: bye babe
<3 I'm so happy. I can't wait till Sunday!