I really don't think they understand just how noisy skateboards can be, especially at night when there's hardly any other noise, and especially in a valley, where sounds just _echo_.
The reason I dislike skateboarders is that their culture seems to include a persecution complex. "You can't tell me what to do just because I'm a 'boarder! Skateboarding is not a crime!"
I'd hoped that this was a trait restricted to skateboardus Americana, but it appears that the Australian breed has it to some extent.
There's a bit of that here but not to a huge extent. I remember hearing one young man on the radio saying "People think we're just out to wreck things, and we're not", and thinking "the problem is that you don't CARE whether you wreck things." And they do.
I'd hoped that this was a trait restricted to skateboardus Americana, but it appears that the Australian breed has it to some extent.
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