I can't believe how cranky i've been this week

Jun 18, 2009 14:57

I don't know what the heck is wrong with me.  But, nobody can do anything right.  Sheesh!  Granted, I think I have some justification for being a bit snarky with hubby as he hasn't worked all week and also hasn't done anything at the house.  Of course, i'm going to be irritated that he stayed home and watched movies all damn day long. It's not fair! LOL! Just call me Veruca Salt.  I suppose I need to remind hubby that when he is not working he needs to be picking up the slack at home.  I just hate having to do that.  I don't like being a nag.

At least my car is pretty cool. :)

Today I applied for financial aid and also sent in an enrollment application to South Seattle Community College.  Hopefully something positive will come of this.  I do worry quite a bit that I am going to take this on and not have the needed support at home.  That is something I  have to address as well.  I'm crossing my fingers on this.  I really want to move forward with this.  The college is close to work so hopefully it won't be to big of a strain for me.

Watched the movie "Fired Up" last night.  It was a silly movie.  I liked it.

Work is about to be totally insane schedule wise.  So that is good.  That means hubby will be working and bringing home some bacon too. And we can use all the bacon we can get.  I quit my gym (gave my 30 day notice...am I renting or something?), and also quit the lattes.  Hubby has too.  So that should help us pay some things off.  I really want to make sure we get some things paid down before winter and before it slows down again.  It would also be good if we could get some money stashed in savings because hubby won't be able to apply for unemployment until sometime in 2010.  Ack! Which, I think is a load of crap.  You should be able to go off ALL the years you've worked.


I suppose I should get back to it.  I am going to try and go for a run today.  HeeHAW!
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