Went out for a family dinner today with my mom's side of the family and ended up bumping into some relatives on my dad's side of the family. It was HIGHLY amusing to everyone because it was so coincidential. However, considering how we all tend to eat in the same places and at the same times, it shouldn't have been that much of a surprise anyway.
On the way home, my dad told my sister and I that there's this new rule or law or whatever saying that you can't put your feet up onto the seats on the TTC. If you do (and get caught doing it that is) you get fined. Then my sister went on to question EXACTLY HOW on the seat. I put my foot up NOT ONTO THE SEAT, but onto the thing that the seat in front of me is ON. Well anyway, if that's "wrong" too then I'm going to have to bitch about how they have no right to dictate our mannerisms and something something free rights blah blah blah LOL! If they mean like FULLY CHINA STYLE ON THE SEAT (which NOBODY DOES ANYWAY) then I don't give two flying craps.
OH ACTUALLY, I think if the seats are empty and you want to sit with your legs across the seats...that's not allowed either. [Rolls eyes] I think that is slightly stupid since it's not like the bottom of my foot is on it anyway. It's insulting if they think my calves are dirty. I kid (kinda).
ANYWAY, back to studying! Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
So my dad just showed me the "news" he saw about the new TTC rules and again...I will say that my dad is gay. They said a whole bunch of things like leaving newspapers and garbage, putting your bag on the empty seat, putting your foot up, and other things weren't allowed. YET OUT OF ALL OF THAT...THE FOOT THING IS WHAT MY DAD POINTED OUT. CLEARLY he is worried about that part because he's so China! I mean he doesn't put up his leg or whatever like a Chinaman but REALLY?! THAT'S ALL YOU TELL US?! So gay.
ANYWAY, I think the leaving the bag on the empty seat thing is stupid. If the bus isn't full then WHY NOT?! It makes more sense if the bus is full. Apparently a lot of people complain about it. Well I say to those people, OPEN YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND ASK! Because honestly, if people don't ask me to move my bag, I just assume they don't want to sit. After all, there ARE people who don't want to sit. I know because I often have my bag on me when it starts getting full, but nobody sits down. AND NO, I DON'T SMELL LOL!