It’s been a while since I’ve been to the zoo. I think I oohed and aahed more than my little niece did (who was the main reason I went). For those of you who want to see Australian wildlife (Not the Friday night variety), here are some pictures.
Welcome to Oz. Please follow the signs.
Hey! You’re not Harry Potter!
How’s it hanging?
I am an emu (em-yu), I believe I can’t fly!
Michcapish refers to me as the ‘colourful bird’ as her lazy
ayass can’t be bothered to look up my real name.
I’m a casowarry. The prettier cousin of the emu above.
Check out my head shield, also called casque.
Who said I strut around like a peacock! Who?!?!
Can you guys stop making out? Someone's taking pics!
Do these grass blades make me look fat?
A furry wombat running…
A furry wombat trying to get some sleep…
I’m trying to meditate here.
Yes, I’m soooo adorable.
A koala family
A Tasmanian devil
Quick! Take the shot before I scurry away.
A grey kangaroo and an albino kangaroo.
No humans allowed here.
Except her. She looks adorable.