Nov 04, 2008 23:38

I am SO FUCKING STOKED that Obama won!  FUCK YES!

Now I'm just waiting on Prop results.  It's not looking very good on Either of the ones I care about.

EDIT: Okay, Prop 4 is looking okay now.  I feel slightly better.

EDIT 2:  Uh, hey, Europeans and Canadians:  Stop it.  No, seriously.  I don't care how much you guys disagree with how we've voted in the past or voted yesterday.  I really don't.  Do I always agree with how the votes go either?  No.  But stop saying that the entire population disgusts you or that you're shocked we "did the right thing".  Bite me.

K thnx.

EDIT 3:  In other news, SoCal still homophobic.   Sucks.

EDIT 4:  I hate my "home" county.  Really do.  Voted yes on Prop 4 when everyone around them voted no.  Also voted yes on 8.   I mean, really?
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