lol, I was thinking Dumbledore/Draco would be pretty sick too...and then I thought of Dumbledore/that stupid frog woman...(I forgot her name x_x [edit: Umbridge! I remembered I typed 'umbrella' -_-;; ])
Hagrid/ANYONE! nc-17 = *gross*
I like Hagrid, but..I mean...ew.
btw> I'm hoping you know something about this: I don't remember if I read this in the books or a fanfic, but there was something about Harry thinking that Hagrid hid his wand in that umbrella he always carries around...does this sound familiar?
It's in the first book when he lit up the fire on the little island and gave Dudley the pig-tail. He only had his (rosé) umbrella with him and begged Harry not to tell anybody.
I like this Drow person, lol. evil evil person.
and right now, since you're taking entirely too long to update your stories, evilness directed at you is a good thing:P
I'd be evil to you too, but I don't know you well enough, lol.
(AMEN! on the Harry/Luna opinion x_x)
hey...just out of curiousity, what's the most f*cked up couple you can think of? from that fandom of course:P
the most amusing (to me): Luna/Malfoy.
~Angel (bored at work, prepare to suffer >.>;;)
See, now you made me feel sick. :)
Hagrid/ANYONE! nc-17 = *gross*
I like Hagrid, but..I mean...ew.
btw> I'm hoping you know something about this:
I don't remember if I read this in the books or a fanfic, but there was something about Harry thinking that Hagrid hid his wand in that umbrella he always carries around...does this sound familiar?
if you find out where we both heard that, will you let me know? it's been bugging me >.<
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It's one of things that's gonna bug 'how many licks..?' >.<
thanks though...
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