I got in trouble with
rotschopf again. Should have known better than to ask her for the Interview Meme.
Interview Meme is something like this...
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Now... You'll never guess what Rotschopf asked me. Or maybe you will. Umm...
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1. Are you a top or a bottom?
What kind of question is this, honestly. Shame on you, Drow. You already know the answer, you dirty bitch, and you just want to humiliate me. But guess what, I'll refuse to be humiliated, and am proud to say that I, uh, bottom. Mostly.
2. Which pairing in HP would you never read and why?
Would never, ever read... Hm. If we're talking about reasonable couples (Firenze/Umbridge goes for laughs), I'd say Harry/Luna (Is there anything so boring?) and Hermione/Draco (The horror, the horror!). Notice my dislike for heterosexual pairings... Hmm, and also Remus/Draco disturbs me a great deal. I just can't get the kicks out of it.
3. What qualities are you looking for in a lover?
Witty, sporty and... enduring... ;) Also needs to understand sarcasm and humour. Oh, and most importantly, knows how to use his/hers assets creatively.
4. Why did you want to be interviewed by me?
You're the only one in this universe who could possibly come up with reasonable and amusing questions. And because I love you.
5. If you had only one day to live, what would you do?
I'd find myself a good-looking girl (or several) and make her/them pregnant with my child.
There it was. Now you can kill me.