Title: Confetti
Pairings: Ian/Anthony
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary: Ian celebrates his birthday with Anthony.
Author's Notes: I'm not dead! Actually I've been on livejournal but just not Ianthony, so here's a little drabble to make up for it. I actually have 25 more drabbles sitting around on my computer, but I can't post those yet. I made a deal with
98ninetyeight that I would post my drabbles only if she wrote some smut. The best part is that we made this deal back in August and I've been waiting over two months for her to finish. She's almost done, but she just needs a little push. Everyone should send her lovely messages telling her how amazing her writing is (which is true) so that she'll finally finish and I can post the rest of my drabbles. :)
Previous Chapters: None.
"Happy birthday, Ian!" Anthony tossed a handful of confetti into the air and watched as it drifted down to land on the table.
Ian picked a few stray pieces of confetti off the tiny cake in front of him and gave Anthony an unexcited look. "Thanks, I guess."
In all honesty, this was Ian's worst birthday so far. First his computer had crashed and he had lost all the edited footage for the next Smosh video. Then his car wouldn't start, so now he had to get that fixed. To top it all off, he was starting to get a headache, which was just making the rest of his horrid birthday even worse. He was just in too lousy of a mood to enjoy the small celebration Anthony had prepared for him.
"Come on. Blow out the candles already," said Anthony. He eagerly hopped from one foot to the other as though he was the one celebrating a birthday. At least someone was happy.
After a deep intake of air, Ian blew on the candles. As they started going out one by one, some smoke drifted into his lungs and he started coughing. Once he caught his breathe, he noticed that there was still one candle left that he had missed.
"You know what that means," Anthony said with a sly grin. He plucked the single burning candle from the cake and blew it out. "You've got a boyfriend." Before Ian could say a word, Anthony swooped down and kissed him. This day was starting to look a lot better.