Making the list of things to buy for college, exhausting. Getting all that stuff together, annoying. Actually packing it all and making sure everything is there - aggravating beyond description. The kind of aggravating that makes you want to punch your fist through someone's ribcage and rip out their heart while emitting a deathscream. And it seems like so much once you're done, too; mountains of luggage. I didn't pack anything frivolous or extra, either. (Yes, the Gamecube is a necessity!)
But everything should be set. I have to go to my uncle's wedding tomorrow, and all my good clothes are packed. Dilemma. I'll probably wear the pants from my purple suit, but I don't know what to do for a shirt. And - you know what I just realized? I actually own the Joker's purple suit. I went to prom in it. xD It doesn't have tails, but I had wanted tails - just couldn't find a pattern my size. And I also have his shoes. We're talking
this Joker, by the way, not Ledger!Joker. It doesn't get up to much evil in my closet, though; my Batman Beyond costume still hangs in there as well (since fifth or sixth grade?).
Also, finally cut the hair. I let it grow since prom, which was in early May (I think), and it was driving me insane. It's nice and short again. I used
these as a reference for my hairstylist. She's used to me bringing in pictures of males by now. She used to be hesitant about going real short, but today she was like, I could go shorter... And I was like, Shorter! DO IT! I was quite sad, though, when she told me she couldn't give me that "pulled-away-from-forehead" look he's got going at the sides of the front of his hair, because that's a receding hairline. Damn. I really wish I had a receding hairline. :( It's the ultimate in sexiness. (Further proving my love of middle-aged men.)
Those pictures were of the younger, scholarly brother named Jacob from The Brothers Grimm. A movie that apparently has me as its only earthly fan. Everyone else I know hates it. I remember Joe had a few choice words to share with me after I made him watch it on TV. Why? It was good! And I still like it! Bah.
Also got my custom Converse, the Dustblooded ones. They just came in yesterday and they look amazing. Can't wait to wear them on campus. And my LFG shirt came in today, with an awesome Blind Ferret sticker on the packaging. I ordered
this shirt, and it's so nice. Really soft and just NICE. American Apparel. They make the best t-shirts. Word of caution to potential buyers: it looks like it's dark grey in the picture, but it's actually a really dark army green. That surprised me when I took it out, but I really love it like that.
...He's got a pony on his hood!