So, I have almost made it through my first year of law school and my first 10 months of living in New York. I thought I'd write a litte entry here about my experience, but it probs wont make sense, since I have done nothing for the past 48 hours but study constitutional law. Oh wait, I took an exam and slept a little too. Anyway, it is pretty shocking I have been here for so long. It turns out that law school sort of sucks, but is kind of alright. You get to develop a new sense of humor, that is for sure. I never thought I would laugh so hard at the idea of contractual duties being passed like colds and cabbages. I think the humor bar is seriously knocked down after spending 2 semesters reading judicial decisions for 6 - 12 hours a day. As expected, most other law students are assholes, but there are a few that make up for them. New York is pretty ok, I think? I don't leave my neighborhood too often these days, but it is a damn fine neighborhood if you ask me. When i do get out I generally like what I see. umm...........substantive due process.....dormant commerce clause....I have one exam left to take on thursday and then I get one day off, then 48 hours of hell (the law review writing competition). I have 48 hours to read a bunch of crap and then write a 10 page case note with up to 6 pages of footnotes. I can't wait. Once that is handed in I get 2 days to get drunk and then I am off to Florida! Yay! Law students are similar to adults in that some of them get married. My friend Dave is getting married in Florida. I'll be coming home to Michigan at the end of the month for a few days.
Here's an image to leave you with. Apparently this is my future.