He's seriously trying to dominate you. By demanding music from you, explaining "polite" behavior to you, and such, he's trying to establish that he has the right to get you to behave in certain ways. It's a dominance issue. If you'd given him the music, the next thing would've been harassing you to wear your hair a certain way, or smile more, or blah blah blah.
He's trying to prove he's higher than you in some imaginary hierarchy, and it's probably due to the fact that he really isn't higher than anyone at all. And he knows it, and it galls him.
And the Wiccan thing was just one more attempt. He wanted to give himself the excuse to talk down to you, like you were a new visitor to our culture (or a child) and couldn't be expected to know better.
I'm really glad you snapped at him. It doesn't matter what religion you may or may not practice, he doesn't have the right to tell you how to behave or respond. That's not what adults do. Adults concern themselves with their own manners and responses, and don't imagine that they control the manners of other adults.
Sheesh, this one has really set me off, and I don't even know the guy! But I do know his type -- and really, he wouldn't've left you alone even if you'd given him what he wanted, because what he really wants is to feel superior to someone. If you'd given him an inch, he'd still be in your face every day, looking for more validation.
Thanks so much! :) Your reply makes me feel better about snapping at him. You are right, if I'd given him the music it would have been something else he harrassed me about next. *hugs* Thanks dona-erm... I mean Dee ;D
He's trying to prove he's higher than you in some imaginary hierarchy, and it's probably due to the fact that he really isn't higher than anyone at all. And he knows it, and it galls him.
And the Wiccan thing was just one more attempt. He wanted to give himself the excuse to talk down to you, like you were a new visitor to our culture (or a child) and couldn't be expected to know better.
I'm really glad you snapped at him. It doesn't matter what religion you may or may not practice, he doesn't have the right to tell you how to behave or respond. That's not what adults do. Adults concern themselves with their own manners and responses, and don't imagine that they control the manners of other adults.
Sheesh, this one has really set me off, and I don't even know the guy! But I do know his type -- and really, he wouldn't've left you alone even if you'd given him what he wanted, because what he really wants is to feel superior to someone. If you'd given him an inch, he'd still be in your face every day, looking for more validation.
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