WTFery Livejournal? I've been having this problem a LOT lately, and I was wondering if any of you nice peoples knew what was going on. When I go to my friends page, then click "previous 20", I get random insertions of stuff from the 1st page! Also, I just noticed that the dates and times seem to be screwy. For example, it says
this was posted Mar. 26th, 2009 at 3:00 PM ... Wait a minute, it's only 10:06 AM on March 26th... I'm so confused. Anyone know what's up with this?
Anyway...onto, part 2 of the explaining interests meme! :D
greenwillow27 &
ivy_chan6. shinesmen
3. shinesmen
Shinesman is an awesome anime that is kinda a spoof on power rangers. I love the spoofiness of it, and also it makes me happy that one day I could be a superhero too when I grow up, but only if I work for the right corporation! ;D
jem00000006. Amazing cynicalman
4. amazing cynicalman
The Amazing Cynicalman is a cool little mini-comic series that I was introduced to by the artist, Matt Feazell. Matt comes to MNCBA's Fallcon every year almost, and I enjoy annoying him and buying his comics.
mandy_nyar has a sketch he did of a ninja turtle. I should harass her into scanning it in.
aloneindarknes7 &
half_elven4. Michelangelo
1. Mikey
Michaelangelo is my favorite turtle. Let no one tell you different (and that means YOU,
cynlee!!) I am a lot like Mike. He has a very quick wit, which I love. He is a little hyper-active and naive, but not stupid. I don't ever remember having a different favorite than Mikey.
I will put more up later. If you want to DO this meme, let me know in the comments. :D