This is it! The day SPN fans have been waiting anxiously for. Is Sammy going to say yes and if he does will Dean be able to save his brother from being locked in the cage with Lucifer forever? I've been filling myself full of youtube videos and fanfics and rewatching the sneak peeks/promos for tonight's show over and over today. Should I get a life? Hmm....probably....but I wouldn't enjoy it anymore than I already do!
I have tried over and over to get my daughter to watch this show and she refuses. I wish she would at least give it a chance. Everyone else that I've recommended it to and they've watched have become fans like me. Sometimes I think she just refuses on principle but the last time we talked about it she said it looked cheesy and started to say a few more words and I told her to just hush because she didn't know my show. Yep, I don't care who you are. Don't diss my show....especially if you haven't watched it. And if you have watched it and all you want to do is gripe then QUIT WATCHING!
I've brought it up before and I'll probably bring it up again. The bickering that goes on between people who are supposed to be fans of this show makes me very sad. The people who want one of the boys to die so their favorite can have all the spotlight make me even sadder. Are you even watching the same show that I am? There is no Dean without Sam, no Sam without Dean. Have you not seen what the death of one brother does to the other? Didn't you feel Sam's pain when Dean went to hell or Dean's pain when Sam died in his arms? I most certainly did!
I started watching this show because of the genre but I fell in love with this show because of the brothers. They have the kind of relationship that everyone wants in their matter what form it takes: sibling, parent, spouse or friend. I think everyone wants to be the most important person in somebody's life, they want to have one person they know they can depend on no matter what. That's what the story of Sam and Dean is and trust. And I have no doubt that as long as they do this togther they will be able to defeat Lucifer. People have been resisting the devil for thousands of years (yes, I believe) so why shouldn't Sam be able to do it? Especially since he has the total support of the one person who means the most to him in this world. That alone should be enough to keep the boy fighting. He finally has his brother's trust again.....something he thought he might never get back. Love truly can work miracles.