Supernatural: Two Mintues To Midnight

May 08, 2010 22:00

I'm probably going to rant more about the ongoing Dean vs. Sam debate than I am about the actual episode but I'll at least start with the episode.  You've been warned.

So, instead of a blood splatter this week we get a green goo splatter.  Niiice!  I'm telling you, the boys in special effects are having so much fun.  The pea soup puke is way grosser than anything blood related, IMO.

Yay, for Cas being back!  Still wish I could have seen him running around with his hospital gown gaping open in the back.  I loved the whole scene with him apologizing to Dean.  "You're not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be."  Aw, Cas.  Lots of debate going on about whether or not Cas will remain human.  This is just my opinion but I don't believe he's fully human yet.  And yeah, yeah, it won't be the first time I've been wrong about something but still.......angels have to lose their grace in order to become human (or at least that's what we've been lead to believe) so if Cas had lost his grace, he should have fallen and been reborn as a human.  No doubt he has lost most of his angel mojo but I think that's just the after affects of him sending all the other angels back to the outfield plus the fact that he's been cut off from heaven for awhile now.  I think in order for Cas to be around in the sixth season he would almost have to be human.  If the whole apocalypse story is over, an angel won't fit into the mix that well anymore.  I'm wondering if in the end, God will give him a choice as to whether he can return to heaven as a whole angel or stay on earth as a complete human.  I think, given the choice, he will choose to stay with his friends.

I loved Cas coming to the rescue (and having to take a bus to do so).  I was kinda surprised Pestilence lost his ring so easily but I realize they had to cram a lot into this episode (shame on you Kripke for wasting time with filler episodes this season).  I have loved the casting of all the horsemen but Matt Frewer is probably my fave.  His outrage at what the Winchesters had done to his brothers was creepy, scary goodness.  "If Satan wants him so bad he can glue him back together!"   Seems as if nobody really likes Lucifer very much, do they?

I loved the scene of Sam and Dean watching the surveillance cameras.  It was very reminiscent of season one and two.  And the fact that Sam brought up in a later scene how they used to hunt Wendigos....I think this is foreshadowing of what we're going to get in season six.....back to basics.  Which should make lots of fans happy since all they've done is moan and groan about the whole apocalypse which I have personally loved.  In fact I love everything about this show.  Really, I might do a little nitpicking every once in awhile but I still love it.  I don't understand the people who continue to watch but all they do is bellyache about what is wrong with the show.  I have a suggestion for you....if you don't like it, don't watch it.

The introduction of Death was probably the best introduction of a character since Castiel stalked through those doors and blew out all the lights.  Death's voice was totally not what I expected to come out of that guy's mouth.  He had one of the best speaking voices but he was ugly as.....well, death warmed over.  The whole scene between Dean and Death was one of the best of this episode.  Very intense.  Jensen totally sold me on how terrified Dean was.

I thought it was more arrogance than truth that Death is going to reap God but maybe that's my Christian values interfering with my fictional show.  *shrugs*  So, Lucifer's whole thing in Missouri was so he could have Death at his beck and call?   Looks like he may regret that decision.   And how about Death telling Dean "You can't cheat Death."  Um....hello?  Winchesters?  How many times have they died now?

I'm so happy that Bobby is walking again but I fear it's going to be short lived.  I still think he's going to bite it in the finale but at least he'll be whole.  And even if he doesn't die, I'm sure there are strings attached to this deal.  I don't believe for one second Crowley did that out of the goodness of his demons even have hearts?  Crowley is only out for Crowley and whatever will save his skin.  Some people seem to think Crowley is God.  I'm not buying into that.  Why would God be making crossroad deals?  But I do think he could be working for Michael.  Just too many weird things about him.  The whole scene at the warehouse seemed really strange.  Crowley was so certain Death was in there and then there were a butt load of reapers surrounding the place but after popping in for a peek, Crowley only wanted to get the heck out of Dodge.  What was really in that warehouse?

I do love the fact that Crowley wanted to stop for pizza in Chicago and Death loved the pizza.  Chicago's pizza is one of the many things I'm looking forward to when I go to the convention in October. :)

Now to the debate of Sam vs. Dean.  I got so mad on a message board the other night that I just had to leave but this is my journal so I can say what I want.  I don't understand the whole thing.  I'm a professed Dean girl but I love Sammy.  If you bad mouth him, my hackles are raised.  How can you love one and not love the other?  Dean girls seem to think that Dean has now been cast aside, he's no longer important since Sam seems to be the one who is going to stop Lucifer.  Sam girls have been griping for ages that Sam doesn't get enough story and that everything seems to revolve around Dean.  Puh-lease!!  This story is about two brothers and for me, it has always been about two brothers and what they mean to each other.  Isn't that why we fell in love with this show in the first place?

Some are complaining about how it wasn't okay for Dean to say yes but now it seems as if everyone is all gung-ho for Sammy to say yes.  Everyone who knows me, knows that I've never wanted either one to say yes.  I've been fighting it all the way but this makes sense to me.  Dean should have been stopped from saying yes because he wasn't making a choice....he was giving up.  He had lost faith in everything and was basically going to kill himself.  He just wasn't going to pull the trigger.  Sam is consciously making this choice.  Yes, last week he was arrogant enough to say he was strong enough to beat the devil but I believe that was the whiskey talking (plus the fact that he was pissed off at the time).  This week he admits how weak he thinks he is, how screwed up he really is and how he thinks he's the least of any of them.  Aw, Sammy, that's just not true.  He's weighed the options and he knows there just aren't any other ones.  If anyone has a chance of getting Lucifer back in the box, it's his vessel and Sam knows possession can be fought.  He's seen it with Bobby and he saw it with John way back in season one.

Sam has been looking for redemption ever since he opened the gate that let Lucifer free.  What better way for him to get it than to put Lucifer back in his cage?  And I don't believe for one second that Dean's role in this is over.  Sam is going to have to fight Lucifer's control.  I think he's strong enough to do it, but only if he has his brother beside him.  Dean is the one person who can get through to him.  After all, he was the one who said "We keep each other human."  So, I think Sam will say yes and Dean will be the one who will help Sam get control over Lucifer and get him back in the box.  And if that doesn't seem like an important role to some people, I assure you, it is.  Dean has spent his whole life looking out for his little brother.  He's not going to stop now.

My only concern is how Sam will get out of the cage once Lucifer is back in.  Bobby's question to Dean:  "What are you afraid of?  Losing or losing your brother?"   Well, duh, Bobby!  Of course he's afraid of losing his brother.  We're all afraid of that.  Dean just doesn't have the inside info that there's going to be a seaon six so somehow Sammy is going to survive.  I just have no idea how but I do know one thing:  they are going to do this and they will do it together.

"You and me, we're all that's left.  So, if we're gonna see this through, we're gonna do it together."--Sam Winchester

castiel, death, sam winchester, rant, matt frewer, dean winchester, pestilence, bobby singer, two minutes to midnight, supernatural

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