The loudmouthed page is here. And we've still got that egg.
I think I need a smoke...Thank the gods for the cat, otherwise I wouldn't even have that.
[Private to Souji | Hackable]
How the Hell did we wind up with two kids on our hands? Damn it, I never wanted to be a father...
...When we get the chance, it'd be nice to have some privacy. Though with Ichimura, the egg, and your roommate, I don't know if that's ever going to happen...
[Private to Self | Hackable]
I wasn't planning
To let you know of a thing
But you always know
Before he was there
I only knew about lust
But that's grown tiresome.
Impossible things
Are fewer, further between
Than I had once thought
Oh, that bastard egg
Needs to learn when it is best
To shut the Hell up
I never thought that
You'd touch me with such kind hands
And such soft, soft lips
And since I don't feel like making a new filter: Melone, I know you're reading this. Our deal is off. It's no longer necessary. Though I'll still cut you in half if you show anyone the poems.
[ooc: Gawd, the poems. The poems make him sound like such a girl. Just another side to their horrific badness, I suppose ♥]