you know that episode of buffy in like, season five, where angel tries to kill himself by not going to bed when he should to avoid the sun and he and buffy start fighting cos she's all like nuh uh, you're going to bed mister! and he's like NO WAY! and then the sun never comes up cos it's winter and the weathers icky and all?? well that's what it's like today here in portland, except it's not snowing. even though they KEEP ON SAYING IT WILL. gah, shut up seriously! nat swears he heard frozen rain hitting our bedroom window last night but he's a crackhead cos i didn't hear a thing. maaaan.
i have a lot to do this weekend. tomorrow i have like fifty gazillion mix cd's to make for xmas gifts and i'm dragging nat to west elm so we can get this tree (the big one):
this little guy is going on top:
and these guys from last year shall adorn:
woot! nat thinks i'm crazy and wants a white or silver tree but i said gold is warm and plus it matches the little owl. like a gold owl on a silver tree will go. no it won't! white is ok but they only have those at urban outfittters (blech!) and it's a whole foot taller than the west elm tree. we'll see i guess.
what else- we're having dinner with miq and thuy tomorrow and i really want to see the new harry potter. i heard it's all gory, rad!