Jun 21, 2006 08:23
I GOTTA CAAAAAAAR and berry's comin' up in a WEEK to live with me :-D :-D yayyyyyyyyy
Hilarity aside, I'm not going to NJ, I've switched back to the New Haven route. I really like the profs and classes better at UNH and thats especially important in grad school. I've been talking to a bunch of UNH people and they are pretty chill! (Third "decision" change) Let's just say I like planning and knowing where things are going and am more than relieved to have that out of the way.
I'm going to New Haven tomorrow to interview for a few morning positions and to see a few apartments. I hope it goes well, I have a full day to get a lot done. Then I'm going home for a week to spend time with the ol' family. I might have Phil come down and meet the family, since I've spent 45892850 hours by now getting to know his. We went hiking last weekend at Hawk Mountain, quite an adventure, pics are on face book. This weekend his grandparents had their 50th anniversary party, so that was that- it's all going so well and i hope we get to spend as much time together before i leave!
CDC as been going fine and so has Calling, nothing to write home about right now in terms of work. It's fine but I can't wait for a real job where I actually get to use my degree to more of its potential.