Only take advice from people who are where you want to be. Because most people are dangerously stupid.
-Kyle Cease
The Book of Air and Shadows, Michael Gruber
Awesome book, very long read. The dual narrators are interesting and entertaining, the plot is compelling. It’s just a good book and, even though it took me almost two and a half months to complete, I never once considering stopping.
Frank Ocean, channel ORANGE
This was a weird music month. I liked both of my options, but I was so preoccupied with other things, nothing stood out
The National, Cherry Tree
One thing I can say about this album- it proved to me what I already knew, that music fans (including myself, though not for The National) revere early songs by their favorite artists for far too long. I love The National, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about Cherry Tree, particularly “About Today”. Well let me tell you, “About Today” is not a very good song. It rhymes. A lot. It’s sappy and cliché, and I strongly suspect it’s one of those songs fans love for nostalgic reasons, more than anything else.
WROTE: 1996 words
I started making actual progress on my applications this month, though it was mostly in editing work and finding references. I briefly considered dipping my toes back in “Walking Wounded”, but found my brain had no room for fic
Dark Angel, Seasons 1-2
I dug both of these seasons out of my storage unit, with the intention of brushing up on canon, so I could finish “Walking Wounded”. As mentioned above, I didn’t quite get around to the writing part, but I did watch the show, and it’s still as awesome as I remember.
Ohio Renaissance Fair
I went with my pregnant best friend and her five-year son, which was really the way to go (kids eat this shit up). It was freezing but fun, though I really doubt I’d ever go back with a kid or two with me