amusement, bafflement, exasperation

Jul 21, 2006 18:17

Well! Back on the veritible battlefield, much to my dismay, and to the malicious glee of my insomnia, which sends its love to the 2:00 AM sirens which plague my sleep. EVIL SIRENS. Anyway, that you all for the wonderful comments, the concern, and in a few memorable cases, the cash (you know who you are ♥). Both the attention and the impromptu vacation in the sunny realms of sweltering fashion godhood have left me refreshed, revived, and spoiling for a rant. Thus, I present to you:

Things That Baffle, Exasperate, Or Otherwise Amuse Miarr About The Situation In Lebanon (And The Media's Response Thereto:)

  1. Citizens. It's been more than a week of declared warfare, with more than 100 missiles dropping on Haifa every day. The alarm systems are working with flawless efficiency, as well they should, and the whole city has turned into some well-geared bomb-avoiding terrorist-martyred machine. In light of it all, then, will somebody please tell me why but WHY are there still people so monstrously witless as to be out on the street when the bombs drop? I am exasperated.

  2. News reports. Every time the siren sounds and a bombing is reported, the on-duty news reporter present at the scene notifies us: "Yes, another missile has hit [given city]... let's hear the sirens..." and we pause a second; do nothing but listen to the wailing alarms blaring through the air. What is this, some sort of wartime attempt at music appreciation? I am baffled.

  3. TV commercials. It must be some inane, horribly cynical tribute to consumerism, when in this day and age, there are STILL people trying to sell luxury housing flats in the Galilee. I am exasperated.

  4. TV commercials. I am indescribably tickled by the fact that the most fad commercializing technique has become to either make allusions to the situation in the north or make fun or Nasrallah. Thus, I am amused.

  5. America. Or what I call the Poor Malfoy Syndrome (PMS).
    Lebanon [Draco]: Poisoning students! Conspiring against Dumbledore! Dropping bombs on Carmiel! I KEEL U ALL WITH EBIL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
    USA [Fangirls]: Aw. He just needs a hug! <3
    I am exasperated.

  6. The panicking citizens. I mean, I understand why people in Haifa, Nazareth or Kiryat Shmone would freak out, being forced to live for more than a week in destitute underground bunkers with inhuman conditioning. But seriously, O ye of little faith high blood pressure--Nasrallah has just declared that he's aiming for mass panic, the media has told you to calm the fuck down, and you live in HOLON. What the hell are you hiding for? I am baffled.

  7. Newspaper caricatures. Apparently I'm not the only dirty-minded Israeli around--the number of cartoons depicting Nasrallah with assorted phallic detonationables is simply ASTOUNDING. I am highly amused.

  8. International criticism. Oh god. Need I have any more justification to hate Russia? The critical liberties some countries afford themselves, considering they're on the other side of the world busy not being bombed by more than 200 fucking katyushot a day, are unbelievable. What right does Bush even HAVE to stick his nose in our affairs and threaten us? I am exasperated.

  9. Shimon Perez. He's about 80 years old (84-87, Oren tells me), liable to collapse at the good gust of wind, REALLY shouldn't be doing this in his condition, and yet is tirelessly marauding throughout the world, ravaging every Western country and fearlessly telling off every bullying politician with the choice words "ass", "get", "out" and "your head". Yaaay aging ministers! Boooh UN (or as we Israelis know, או"ם שמום)! I am baffled, and yet filled with awe and puppy!admiration. ♥

Possibly more added when I am further available, and not alternately spazzing over f!list and missile-alerting newspeople.
Love to both,

Yours Truly

israel, rants

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