Feb 29, 2004 18:07
So today lexie and i went to the mall because we are sick of wasting sunday sitting around the house all day. We were gonna see Condessions of a teenage drama queen and we did. It sucked too but it passed the time and is bette than being home bored. While at the mall i heard someone yell "Mia!" and i turn around to see who it is and its Ashley. I was really surprised she even remembered me. She came up and gave me a hug and i asked her how she was and all. It was weird and she looks a lot different. She was wearing a poofy jacket and had corn rows, plus shes so much shorter. She used to be taller than me. She goes to drake and lives in Peacok gap where lexie used to live. Anyway...enough about her.
This weekend was extremely uneventful but i enjoyed just relaxing.