
Jan 25, 2005 17:03

So you know what I hate?

I hate when people are bitches to me/act mean for no reason at all. Or when they take their bad days out on me. Just don't.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't as nice. Do I ever take bad days out on anyone? No. Am I ever a bitch to anyone? No. Do I ever even act mean to anyone? No, I don't. Not even when I feel like absolute crap. Not even when I dislike the person! I don't even think that there are any people I honestly 'disklike.' But if I happen to feel dislike toward you at that particular moment, I still don't.
So do not do it to me.

While I'm at it, let me name some of the types of people/traits I generally really dislike, for future reference:

- those who do things solely for attention/show-offs
- 'me me me' people/those who are full of themselves
- people who only know how to pity themselves
- people who pity others (pity-ing is just a stupid emotion. i don't even think it should be classified a real emotion.)
- the people i said above
- touchy people
- liars
- cheaters
- people who are one way today and totally different tomorrow
- whiners
- know-it-alls
- 'rub it in your face' people/braggers
- selfish people
- 'fake' people
- rude people/people who are mean to others

About the last one. My mom has always told me that, when attempting to judge how someone really is like, especially, (even though this is YEARS from now but still applies) your future spouse, you look at how they treat the lowest person in their life. Whether it's someone much 'lower' than them in the working class,  someone they hate, or even sometimes their family. Because that's how they might begin to act towards you in a few years.
In other words, if people treat others badly, they will eventually treat you the same way if you get close enough to them.
I think it goes for most everyone. Not only does it apply to spouses, it applies to friends and just anyone you're close to.

And one more:

- stupid people.

Yes, it sounds bad for me to say I dislike stupid people, but it's really not. I'm not talking about grades... nooo way, definitely not. And I'm definitely not talking about people who can't get things easily or even airheads. I'm talking about... stupid people. Just... it's kind of hard to explain. I think the people usually know that they're being stupid. Or just...
I don't know anyone who falls into this category, but I have definitely met some people who you can tell by the first sentence that comes out of their mouth that they classify. And people like that are people who I just do not want to talk to.

Oh, and if someone has some of those traits, it doesn't mean I dislike THEM, as in their being as a whole, it means that when they decide to show one of those traits, it makes me really... annoyed. And if I don't know you and you are obviously dominant in one of those traits, however, I usually just decide to not talk to you.

Oh geezums, what would I do without my LJ and my music.


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