(no subject)

Sep 26, 2010 20:53

Last day.

And I'm feeling really crappy and crummy. This is much harder than I thought it would be.

I was walking around upstairs, looking at the amazing view, walking by the empty desk of the people I've worked with for five years. They are great people. Even the creepy, icky ones I can't stand I feel nothing but good things for right now.

Much has changed in five years, hasn't it? Think back to 2005. I always think I was nicer and naive.
2005 me = nice, naive
2010 me = jaded, grumpy

So strolling around the office that has been a big part of my life...yea, it's hard to let it go. This has been one of my favorite jobs ever. Which is saying much. Because I tend not to like my jobs. Hate them, let's go ahead and go with hate.

I thought I would work here forever. And this is the interesting part...as soon as I quit, I felt suddenly in control of my life. Everything started to open up. Go back to school? Why the hell not, sure. Move? Well, maybe, yes, if you want to. Go to South Korea and teach English? Go for it, whatever works.

New confidence and new energy.

So it was time.
Even if it is a little sad.
Goodbye, weekend job.
Hello, new life.
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