(no subject)

Sep 25, 2010 19:59

Bouncing off the walls right now!

So when I quit my weekend job, suddenly my life started to open up. I wasn't expecting that but I've been a robot, a working drone, day in and day out, no direction, for so long that my life was a boring misery. Working nonstop zapped my energy to think about a "future", what the holy hell is that?

And now I'm free. And I already find myself with new energy, and time, and motivation. For the first time in five years I'm thinking about The Future.

The Future
Become a teacher?
Nixed that a long time ago. Though I freaking adored my previous stint with teaching, things have changed. The recession means school districts are slashing their budgets...the New York Times has a comprehensive article that basically made me want to kill myself. Experienced, highly educated teachers can't find work. It's the worst since the depression. The only jobs tend to be in charter schools and I couldn't possibly be less interested.

So, it breaks my heart, but no on teaching.

Everything you read says the health care industry is exploding with jobs. Baby boomers are getting older and older, someone has to take care of 'em, true.

I'm tempted.
The pay ~ Much better than what I'm use to.
Natural ability ~ I'm a nurturing type. Have a boo boo, come see me.
Helping profession ~ I could see working as a private nurse to one elderly person. I am not too squeamish,can watch Discovery Health without throwing up. Love helping people.
And I actually have a life long fascination with anatomy(*insert sex joke here*.)

Being on your feet all day ~ ICK, horrible. Not good at that at all.
Asshole doctors ~ Every nurse I've ever known complains about the asshole doctors.
Age ~ Nursing seems to be a profession for younger folks. So perhaps a reality check there.
Murder ~ One of my best friend is a nurse and says she will shoot me if I become one. She hates her job that profoundly.

A little iffy on the nursing.

Webmaster, computer science, etc
You might be one. If so, talk to me.

Geek ~ I am one, as you know. And I do LOVE, LOVE, LOVE computers. Every career counselor out there tells you to do what you love. I love computers, whole heartedly.
Outlook ~ Research I'm doing online looks strong. Actually, extremely strong.

Phobic - Serious case of math phobia. Could I really complete a degree in computer science? Do I have it in me?

That's one con. That's the only one I can think of.
Because the more I think about it, and the more research I do, the more this is feeling like a winner.

I could imagine freelancing. A friend of mine had her computer break down and called up a computer guy. The man wanted $300 just to walk through the door. He was creepy and weird.

Well, I'm not (too) creepy and weird. I could see marketing myself to women or elderly people. That could really work.

So should I take the next couple of years (I already have three years under my belt), take out some loans and get a degree in computer science.

Should I
Could I

Time to meet an advisor.

But this feels like a big yes.
You know, the whole future thing.

Feels like I might have one again.


life 101

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