
May 14, 2011 19:51

Major Portal 2 spoilers have been whited out.

Name: GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk-Operating System)
Age: In Portal 1, she's somewhere in her 20s. [In Portal 2, she's ~several hundred years old.]
Birthday: First version was released in 1982.
Height: Fairly large robot. Usually swinging from the ceiling if she's all plugged in, like 15-20ft estimate?
Weight: Nothing official, but I am guessing you don't want to stand under her if she's ever DC'd.
Medical Info: GLaDOS doesn't need a doctor, she needs a team of engineers. Who are immune to neurotoxin.
Eyes: Yellow.
Hair: Robot!!
Physical traits: Robot!! Looks like this. She's Artificial Intelligence residing inside a robotic body, and that robotic body is actually pretty huge. She has mechanical limbs that can extend pretty damn far and has control over various elements in the Aperture Science facility, such as the panels, the doors, the turrets, tubes, nuclear meltdown clock, etc. When she is not specifically attached to the robot body and Aperture's internal core systems, her consciousness exists as data. This means she can exist in virtually anything that can sustain electrical data. [This can range from the entire internet, to a laptop, to a potato.] There are also several Personality Cores attached to her, which function as her internal organs, more or less? Except these organs can talk and say hilarious things and supposedly influence her thoughts/actions. Supposedly. There may be more about the Cores here later.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: ... theoretically... anything... but, uh, I would like to point out that GLaDOS is extremely trigger-happy. And she's not particularly fond of humans. If you mention Chell, Wheatley, [Caroline, or Cave Johnson], you may be tossed into the neurotoxin chamber. Fair warning.
Abilities: GLaDOS, as long as she's plugged into the facility systems, has: an unlimited access to deadly neurotoxin, rocket sentries (they shoot rockets at you!), turrets (they're adorable and shoot bullets at you!), full access to the internet and all computers connected to Aperture that she can hack at will, THE PORTAL DEVICE, incinerators, mobile mechanical claws, the facility PA system, security cameras... yeah. GLaDOS is the final boss in Portal 1 for a reason. MANY OF THESE ABILITIES WILL BE NEUTERED OR LIMITED but she is still not someone you want to cross. When she's not plugged in, GLaDOS has... the ability to make you feel bad about yourself. Also, she's an academic genius, as most superior AI are designed to be. She can sing into operatic range as well, and she's really good.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: oh jeezus [GLaDOS's entire personality construct was imprinted from that of a human woman named Caroline, who was Cave Johnson (the founder and CEO of Aperture Science)'s right-hand. During Portal 2, GLaDOS semi-recovers her 'Caroline' persona, and it manifests as a conscience. So it's possible your psychic character might be able to sense remnants of GLaDOS's humanity--however, it should be noted that GLaDOS deleted Caroline at the end of Portal 2. So there's also that. :|b It's hinted that Caroline still exists in some format inside GLaDOS's massive mental sphere, but it's hard to say for certain.]

Also, she is perpetually compelled to run people through test chambers. For science.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: hahaha oh god why
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Can you kiss and hug an entity that lives in your computer? That's a little creepy, dude.
Maim/Murder/Death: It is theoretically possible to kill her, if you are smart and tenacious enough. Talk to me first.
Cooking: GLaDOS doesn't need to eat. GLaDOS only drinks the tears of her victims.


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