Jan 31, 2007 10:00
April 16, 1992 - January 30, 2007
Had to make a difficult decision yesterday... Shadow was my cat, my baby... She was my best friend for almost 15 years. She got very ill over the past week and found out that it was due to cancer of the liver. I took her in Monday night and they did blood work and tests and I was called yesterday at work and informed that she had cancer of the liver and was in renal failure. So... I made the decision that instead of letting her suffer or put her through treatment that I wouldn't even want for myself, that it would be best for her to be at peace. One of the hardest decisions I have had to make to be honest. And of course, there was that selfish part of me that wanted to keep her around.
I took her in after work... Because of course my supervisor said I couldn't leave early for "just a cat"... I swear, if I hear one more comment "That's too bad, but she was just a cat" I will hurt someone. This cat has been there for me for many things, and if she could have spoken, the stories she would have been able to tell... I guess that maybe it was a good thing she couldn't speak...
Got home after work and just cuddled up with her for the longest time on my couch. Anyone who had ever met my cat knew that sure, she could be a grouchy cat, but for the most part was a little loving ball of fluff. She would just come up to you, look at you and nose your hand demanding the pets she rightly deserved... hehe And she would purr even at the slightest touch. So, to curl up with her and just have silence, you know there was something drastically wrong... and just trying to get up and falling over... and not even being able to pick up her head... When we did eventually leave, I drove past the vetrinarian's office so many times, I just couldn't go in... After about an hour and a half of driving around finally got up the guts to park and go in.
I think I ended up in the office for almost 2 hours afterward... I couldn't leave... Didn't want to leave her there... But since the ground is frozen solid I couldn't bring her home and I couldn't afford the $175 they wanted for cremation to bring her home with me. That's what hurt the most... Just leaving her behind... And I thank whatever powers that be for the one I was on the phone with during the whole time... Without them I don't think I would have been able to do it.
Yes, I know... She was only a cat... But to me she was my family. I am glad I made the decision I did because to let an animal suffer like that is just not right. Letting anything or anyone suffer like that just isn't right.
So, for those of you out there with your beloved pets, love them as much as you can. Spoil them rotten. Do whatever you can with them because you never know what will happen. They are special friends, part of the family, treasure the time you have.