Thursdays with Worries: Five Things You Meet in Heaven

Apr 16, 2009 02:09

Awhile ago, I got an idea from Nora Ephron (yes, her personally and not from a book she wrote). When she and her friends were still in their twenties, they used to write at random times when they'd get together the five things they were at those moments in time. These five things could be roles, could be adjectives, could be feelings. See the ff example that one of them at that table probably wrote in their twenties:

1. Hungry
2. In between jobs
3. But, in love
4. Happy
5. But, still lost

It became not just a quirky (and admittedly The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants-ish kind of tradition), but a poignant undertaking that enabled them to chart their growth as individuals through the years. As they grew into their thirties, matured into their forties, and reborn in their fifties, their five things had many permutations, chronicling the unexpected developments in the different facets of their lives. It's entirely possible that the same person above had written the ff at 50:

1. Wishing to retire.
2. Scared of losing my children 
3. Married
4. Not in love anymore.
5. But, somehow hopeful

I've tried to start this tradition with my own set of friends. Unfortunately, we have no idea where we kept the scraps of paper or the bar napkins we wrote our stuff on and those five things, just like those moments have become vague to all of us.

In an effort to establish a sense of posterity, I now promise to chronicle my own 5 things here. Unless LJ is someday crumpled into a ball and  haphazardly dumped in the trash bin by some bartender or waiter eager to close shop, then my five things will forever be here.

My Five Things for Aug 16, 2009:

1. Has beaten acne, acidity, and other physiological nightmares. At long last.
2. Is laughing on a daily basis.
3. But deeply, deeply broke and stupid with money.
4. Has accepted many things I can not change.
5. Would want to end each very long day with a drink and a friend.

I am well aware of the Hallmark / Lifetime Television feel of this post. But hey, maybe you should try it. Ten years down the line, it may not be so corny after all. (Although at that time I still wouldn't be watching Hallmark)
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