Doesn’t it annoy you when some random person starts chatting with you and they start by saying something like "Hello, asl plz"?. Because I do. A lot. I mean, I like talking to people from all over the world, there’s a reason I give out so many ways to contact me in my pages and on forums, but I’m seriously thinking of only showing my ‘fake’ msn address I log in occasionally, and give the other to the people I really want to talk to.
Really, is it that hard to write like two compete sentences? Hello, what’s your name, how old are you? I know that typing takes time and effort and some thinking, but honestly, I think there’s a difference between writing 'ppl' instead of 'people' than writing 'asl' instead of 'I’m looking for sex talk, you too?'. So don't.
And to prove that not everything is lost, I’ve had a wonderful chat with
endless_dee (<-- notice now I know how to link to other people's lj. Next step: making cuts in a post *g*) and though I still don’t understand why she can’t access, it has been a great, normal conversation.