Feb 11, 2010 02:46
in the end, there's always someone inspiring another...somehow...some way.
i have definitely become inspired.
but also...i have come to the conclusion that i want to be mostly by myself...
or have someone around with a like-mind/motivator.
my mind and my heart are re-constructing themselves....
before... things were a mess...now it's like ?
i feel like my eyes are magnetic when i look at people when they're speaking to me.
but i'm listening carefully. but then i wonder if they start feeling intimidated by me..
well, i'm trying to organize my mind better.
trying to get connected... to reach the higher Self.
i was stressed out all the time...but it's slowly leaving me...and i can feel it. it's good.
ps, i'm also remembering more of my dreams...they seem more realistic....each time.. they're all nightmares... like last night... and the night before... but w/ different monsters... but they were harmless...could they have been Guardians? some of my friends have been in my dreams too...but it was like i was hanging out with them normally.......certain objects i could remember vaguely... i'm kinda scared to sleep at all tonight...but i need sleep....wish me luck!