Nov 14, 2006 09:30
Oh mah gawd, I hate physics. I have a feeling I have said this before >_>. Anyways, I have like NO idea what to revise. So, 'ish screwed. Seeing as I failed the test the first time, getting 11/30. Btw this is like an E, which is close to ungraded>.> Ungraded being a U. :D omgosh, brbz0rs. Gotsa sign in. Which I find COMPLETELY pointless, because I just get like a thousand lates a week even though I am here half an hour early. Stupid Matron, oh well. My counsellor corrects it all, which is always fun xD. Lalalaalalalala. *Music comes on as I go away* doo doo doo.. BACK. Okays. H'okay, so *CKCC* "All yo' ladies" etc. I have an hour off at liek 2Pto theM. In which, I should really do some revision. Wow, if I speak "revision" in a french accent. People stare at me. Wewt! No really, I did just speak it, I say most of the things I am typing. They must think I am like a basketcase.-Always fun. \/\/anna know what I am thinking? Well, it is like this:
"This is the key..""our time is almost here"-And KOL and FOB, and Uhhh.. Lotsa stuff. It just won't shit up, ooops typo. Shut*. *Amazing scream*-Not in RL, Only in "Cyberspace". People keep saying that, it is soooo annoying. It's like "Shut up you n00b"*Hit*./Basically. I need to get to work and some icons. Special icons *Lilo Smile* /\/\hhmmmm Bored. I need a drink, liek pepseh dietyah. Oooh goodie, retards are reading again. "and..then..he said..Uhh..Oh yeah! that says Hi!" Then teacher comes on and says.."Why do you think he is saying this?" -Makes hanging gesture like my tutor- Y'know, I am freezing in here, BUT as soon as I roll mah sleeves down..I am too warm. Which is a NUHUH for meh. Dee de dee. Anyone alive? This question is funneh y'see..because I said like.. Anyone alive? Y''s like..ALive? heheheeh. I love being unfunny and lame and b00b like.. OH DAMNIT ..n00b*Katie, Katie, Do yo' hips lie? Wewt for meh... 'ish going to shut up right about...*checks watch*...-Checks again-hhrrrmm.. *Shoots some birds* -Drinks some tea..- *Takes a shower*.. Yeah that's right! Showering..IN SCHOOL. :o mmkay...NOW..I will shut up NOW. G' that annoying Aol voice. "Goodbye from AOL" "You have 50000000000000 spam emails, Care to read?..Oh and one from your sister, your mo mma died. ...She was so fat..everytime she sit on a rainbow..skittles pop out."
Makes lalalalaal noises from Sister Act la la la la la la la Laaaaa. Wow, A phitty just came in. Mr Gardiner!..We have this strange obsession with him, which involves stalking him and being pushed into him..>.<. 'Ish fun, he is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaal. And I think he likes his shopping delivered around the back. /If ya know what I meeeeeaaan.. Woop woop. I have wasted half an hour of my two hours. I might work on my english Home(To the) Work. Might do it on Bruce Willis, seeing as he is action man.. May be easy. Phalalalaalalalala. Phalalalalaala. Okay, I'm off. Ciao ciao miclowclow../As Sims would say.
momma cold yeah huh weird la la la la la