What was your first fandom love(s)? Your first ship(s)?
In all honesty? Little House on the Prairie because I was like six. (Shut up, I was an early reader). Laura/Alonzo 4eva.
Some of my more enduring fandoms (the one I stick with) are Stargate Atlantis, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Criminal Minds, Gilmore Girls, Castle…
(There’s a reason Anita Blake isn’t on that list any longer, which I detailed
here. I am still planning to finish Inevitable (five years later oh my god) but never in my life have I been so turned off the source material from a fandom I was so invested in. Of course, it could be argued that I haven’t invested that much in a fandom since, so maybe that’s more of defence mechanism.)
Ships - I’m not what you’d call overly shippy, nothing really lingers. The only one I never could never let go of (mostly because I never wrote in this fandom) was girl!John Sheppard (SGA)/Spencer Reid. In my head it was awesome.
Some of the past ships that I can ping back to are Jack/Sam (Profiler - actually, for a while, it was Jack=Sam but let’s not linger on that), Anita/Jean-Claude (AB), Sam Carter/Martouf (SG1)... there was something around Earth2 back in teh day but I can’t remember what it was anymore. Something to do with Julia? And I can’t even look it up because all my old stuff on the external hard drive isn’t working on my PC any longer (this morning’s fun discovery, btw) (also I think I lost my fanvid archive so I’m sad)
Currently? I’m on a Natasha Romanoff/Bucky Barnes kick (
which might be a little obvious)