When did you create your LJ, and what brought you here? How did you get your username? Has it changed?
I made this lj back on... *checks the log* 13 December 2004.
Okay now I feel old.
I had a personal blog before that on LJ and wanted to start posting my fics here, back when LJ was a fandom hotspot.
My username... I had been active in the Profiler fandom back in the day as Zarah, but I wanted to change that up as I had moved away from that fandom. I was on an old testament kick and wanted to use Malachi, but that was taken on LJ so I transliterated to
Mhalachai (as my personal blog). When I created my fandom blog I added " 's words" onto my username only it ended up looking like "swords" and I was like whatever.
Been Mhalachai ever since (even on the
Random fact of the day: Nothing makes me change the channel faster than the Juicy Fruit commercials. I hate that jingle so much.