A couple of Doctor Who links... well, podcasts from the BBC, actually.
1. "Doctor Who: The Commentaries (BBC 7): The cast and crew of Doctor Who take you behind the scenes with fascinating facts and irreverent observations on every episode of Series Four."
linkI just dl'd and listened to the Partners in Crime commentary and it was really fun. David Tennant's accent makes me want to move back to the old country (*Mhalachai iz ov Skottish bgnd*). Added bonus for not having to wait until the DVDs come out in like 2035.
2. David Tennant was on Simon Mayo's afternoon show on BBC Radio 5 live on April 2nd, talking about all kinds of stuff, like Series 4 (obv), the fact that he's doing Hamlet upcoming, and other stuff.
Link, scroll down to April 2nd. You can just grab the MP3 of the show if you want.
PS there are lots of mini SPOILERS for stuff in series 4, nothing too out there as Mr. Tennant had the studio's talking points memorized, but it's still enough to whet the appetitive.