Some thinky rambling

May 04, 2010 12:32

Up to 45 K on Novel #4, as of last night when I wrote 3,800 words yesterday while proctoring make up exams. I may just get this novel done by May 16th. Depends how long the ending runs. But I think I'm about to head clearly downhill towards the climax of the plot. Three finals ready to give tomorrow, then it's all about excel and checking numbers on Thursday. The "ruining" of lives, however, has already begun.

where the ship is sinking, clearly sinking, no doubts about it, everyone with 2 good eyes sees the ship is sinking. And yet the main character sees nothing but happy sailing ahead, while the water rises, and rises, and rises. Then as the MC's head bobs just above the water, ship gone and sunk, he/she will ask to get the ship back whole and intact and sailing, because it wasn't sinking a moment ago, really it wasn't, and having no ship will end their dreams of being a sailor forever. *sigh* Writing on the wall, why can they not read it?

I'm also toying with the idea of a female anti-hero. I had an anti-hero character rambling about my head, as they do while I develop characters. And I wondered just why it had to be male, could it be female instead? Of course, threading that nettle will be harder. She can't just be a hero without a dick, so manly that her gender is not really female, such as Starbuck in the first season of BSG. Her mental problems can't come off as too weak and mentally unable to deal with the emotional and physical hell she's been through. She has to be tough, but not a bitch. She has to be able to take care of herself in a fight in a believable way. Her sexual desires can't make her look like a slut. The reader needs to be able to see her as a daughter, a lover, possibly a mother and not only define her by those titles. And of course, she can't steal the show so much she's a Mary Sue. The standards are so different. I know some of this has been done well before, but I still have lots of playing with the idea and the character.

Also been thinking how my science fiction novel ideas are going to take some world building. The one I want to write in November for NaNoWriMo could be a usual flavor of SF off Earth world. It's the religion that has to be built, more than the world.

My Two-Spirit SF idea involves a world after or during the worst of global warming. I need to think of what the science says about how things will change. I need to find some cool renewable energy sources, and some cool ways to recycle things.

The above female anti-hero is going into what I'd now call a 'weird western' world. So, I need a political breakdown, and reason why. I need to divide up the country, and figure out why and how. I also need to find an odd 'science' to make the world feel paranormal.

And thus, for those last two novel ideas more research, thinking and world building than I'd put into a horror novel. But, I think I'd like the bigger ideas they would portray than a horror novel.

There's more to tell, mainly about our hedgehog, the old man of our pets, having had surgery to remove a cyst. We're hoping he's gonna pieced himself back together. Maybe I'll remember to write that up Thursday as a break from grades and students.

novel #4, female characters, novel ideas, work, novel writing, pets, writing

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