The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings had a Saints Patience

May 02, 2011 22:00

The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, by Garcia Marquez, was an interesting little short story that was amusing at the time of reading it (not so much re-reading it now...). It's about a very old man with enormous wings who is found outside of a "humble" home, broken and beaten and left in the mud. No one helps him, they feed him crap, treat him like crap, use him as a side-show attraction, and just basically take full advantage of what could be an angel.

I hate discrimination and the greediness people can possess sometimes, and this story struck a cord in me, so any harsh words used are more than appropriate.

All I could gather from this story is that this angelic figure was only here to watch over the young boy, who was really so innocent he couldn't  act harshly against the poor man, or feed him everything that isn't edible. Just saying, if an angelic symbol fell from the skies and looks like he's on the verge of croaking, treating him like shit like the people in the story did is probably the last thing I would do. I'd get that saint a pillow, some Advil, some food, and call an ambulance. Then I'd find a sharpie and get him to sign my Bible.
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