Dec 21, 2011 21:17

Sorry, this was supposed to be put up yesterday, but I fell asleep while typing the last bit and forgot to post it. ^_^" sorry! lol. Anyway, here it is:

Well, this morning was very interesting. For those of you that want the short version, I would suggest checking out my fb-you should be able to see that post even if you haven't friended me. (Things in parenthesis are things I added today.)
For the long version, just keep reading. :)

So, last night, I didn't go to sleep. I was trying to type up the journal that I had wanted to post on gaiaonline earlier that day. I had previously tried to post this exact journal 3 times, and each time, before I could submit it, it would log me out and I would have to log back in AND retype it. After 3 failed attempts, I gave up and decided to write it down so that I could type it up faster...anyway...
At 5:45 am, I started getting ready to go to Pat and Nikki's house because I usually work on Tuesdays.
Well-just as I was about to leave, which was right around 6:00 am, I couldn't find my keys/ I checked all of the possible places in my room and checked on the dining room table, the kitchen counters, the top of the desk where just about everything else gets put. I checcked in the living room on the shelves and the entertainment center. I even went outside and checked in my car and in my trunk just in case. Then, Dale came out of his room and asked what I had been looking for and I said "keys." He pointed to a side table that I had overlooked simply because I never use it.
BY the time I got back to the car and crunk it up and buckled up, it was going on 6:20 or so.
So I left, and made it to Pat & Nikki's about 10-15 mins later. Traffic wasn't too bad, but my speedometer was completely off. I say that because it never moved offf of 0, and I know that on Blue Jay Rd. (where the speed limit is 55 but everyone usually goes 60 on anyway) I had to have been going at least 55 because the truck behind me never tried to pass me even though the other lane was completely empty.
Anyway, I made it to Pat & Nikki's and the door was locked, so I did what I always do and unlocked the door. As I opened the door, I could see Pat standing there and the first words out of his mouth wre not the normal "Good morning" that I've gotten used to hearing and that I was expecting to hear, but they were "What are you doing here?"
I almost freaked out because I had gotten there, a little late because of having to find my keys, but I had made it there and I had not been told that I did not have to work.
At first I was confused, then I was grateful cuz I didn't have to take the kids with me to take JoJo to work or the bank for me to cash the $50 check I had gotten for babysitting over the past weekend.

Doesn't that suck?!?! Has that ever happened to you??

Oh and the rest of the day was kinda fun and kinda weird. I spent almost 4 or 5 hours trying to keep one of the neighbor's annoying chihuahua out of our back yard. He kept coming back even after having a baseball, a tennis ball, and a golf ball thrown at him, and after being shot at with the pellet gun a few times. (Apparently, none of that works and he still isn't staying out of the back yard. And I know the only reason he's back there is because Pat's dog is in heat....there was a time where my dog was trying to fight another dog THROUGH THE FENCE earlier yesterday too...)
Then we all (My mom; my younger siblings, Abbi & Damion; and I) went shopping. First we stopped at GameStop and my mom got 2 games. One for Dale, which was NCAA 2012, and one for Austin, which was Kinect Sports 2. While she was still looking, I had left to go to Rue 21, and Damion had joined me. I was looking at all the stuff they had and debating on what I would buy later. Then I saw this sign over by all of the nice, warm jackets that I really needed to get so that I could stop wearing 2 or 3 jackets to keep warm. That said that all of the jackets were $15. I then bought a really nice jacket that I absolutely love. ^_^ I'll probably put a pic of it up later under this paragraph. :)
Then we went to walmart, where my mom bought Dale some pjs and we saw these adorable little things. They're called "googly critters" I bought a pink koala and a green puppy. My mom bought one of each for Abbi, but when Abbi asked for them, she said that she had only bought the green puppy for her and that Santa would give her the others for Christmas if she asked him to. (lol at the explanation fail. My mom hid the others in the bag with the pjs in it while Abbi wasn't paying attention.....) I'll put up a pic of my 2 later too. :)
Then I dropped my mom and siblings off at the house and headed to go get JoJo from work. I ended up having to help her finish up her shift for about 5 mins before she was able to leave. Then I drove her to walmart where she deposited a check. She asked me where I got my jacket from and I took her and she went in and got the exact same one. While she was looking at the jackets, I was on the other side of the store looking at some cute gloves and a super cute scully cap that had these two little brown "ears" on the top and it somewhat reminded me of Ohno Satoshi in the pv for "Meikyuu Love Song" where he has on the cute puppy dog ears. So cute!!! >_< I'll most likely put pics of these up too. :D
Oh, then I wandered over into the jewelry section because JoJo was looking at something else (later found out that she was looking at nail polish for her and other people), and I saw these two necklaces that I was trying to decide on which one to get and which one to get next time when she came up behind me and said, "get two more of those and hand them to me." Then she went up to the cash register and paid for all of her stuff. She spent over $70!!! x_x I would have died.... I ended up only paying $11 and some change.
Anyway, that was pretty much my day. Mine started off rocky but got better by the end, ne? :) Hope you all had a good day too! :) Thanks for taking the time to read this [yeah, I know, I say this at the end of every journal, I'm sorry, but sometimes I just feel like if someone actually took the time out of their busy, every-day schedules that I should thank them for reading my ramblings. Yeah, sure, it's your choice if you want to read it or not, but this is pretty much me expressing how I feel or what I think, etc. So thank you for hearing me out. m(._.)m
Mata ne!


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