grrr phone >_ >

Dec 18, 2011 14:05

     well this sucks! For some reason my phone won't connect to my grandparents wi-fi anymore. I've been connected to it for almost 3 days now and suddenly my phone decides to be a jerk and not work anymore. That is so lame~!! I was using my phone to stay connected over the weekend because I was trying to get all my files on my laptop backed up...
     I wonder if there's any way that i can fix the problem... I've tried turning my phone off and leaving it off for a bit then turning it back on and letting it get set up and stuff before turning the wi-fi on and such, the only other thing I can do is hit the routers reset button (which I kinda don't wanna do at the moment since I'm almost done backing up my files and I don't want to have to start over. u_u this is not fun...

Well, my weekend has been pretty eventful for a noneventful weekend... I was talking to a friend of mine and somehow we started talking about my lil sis and how when I let her watch the videos on my phone of Kis-My-Ft2 or KAT-TUN or Arashi, my lil sis will point to every single person on the screen and say "I like this one and that one and...." she will keep pointing at them until someone tells her to stop touching the screen or until the video clip is over, and she doesn't care if she points to them more than once, she will point and say "I like him" anyway... Anyway, back to the original story before I start rambling about Abbi's obsessive pointing and liking.... I have a friend of mine that LOVES Kitayama Hiromitsu of Kis-My-Ft2 and so while Abbi was busy doing the point and like thing, I told Abbi that she had to ask my friend for permission before she could "like" Kitayama. Well then, Abbi wanted me to get on fb and tell my friend that "well I like him anyway!" [or something along those lines] (yes I know my lil sis is so snotty and funny, sometimes is both embarrassing and annoying to be seen with her.) So last night I was telling my friend about it and she suggested that I make a fb profile for Abbi so that Mitch could talk to her and bug her about why Abbi likes her Kitayama Hiromitsu. lol. So, I did. I set up a profile for her and put some really old pics that I had up and made her first post as one of the many quotes that I hear all the time when she is sick! >_< Because right now she has an ear infection that is caused by her sinuses draining [I don't exactly know how that worked out, but that's what the dr said...] the post was:
"Has an ear infection and is being a little whiny, but is taking medicine to get better. 'Mommy says it's good for me, but I don't like it....' " Then next thing I know, my friend posted on Abbi's wall, then tagged her in another post, and after that, all I did for an hour was laugh and follow the posts.
     It was so confusing!! I was logged onto my fb through my phone and on my Opera web browser and had Abbi logged on via the Google Chrome web browser. I got so confused because I couldn't tell who's profile I was on or if I should like one comment or whatever from my page or Abbi's page. So I decided that starting Monday I would upload a pic of Abbi doing something and I would post 2 or 3 things that either she had said or had done. I'm kinda excited about doing this, but I also know that it means spending more time with Abbi than I would like mainly because Abbi has this mean streak every once in a while where she will glare at you and be rude and then when she wants something from you or when she doesn't want to get in trouble, she will be a major suck-up. It's annoying when she does it to me because she knows that I won't go back on a 'no' so she goes and whines to my mom who yells at me to do whatever it was that Abbi wanted me to do just because my mom doesn't want to listen to Abbi whine and complain any more.
     woah, here I was rambling it's funny, it sounds like I was complaining about Abbi [which I wont lie, I do complain about her sometimes] but in all honesty, I'm not sure I would ever trade her in for another 4 yr old lil sis. Because I would miss how annoying she is lol.
     well, I have to go do a lil bit of cleaning [really it's just wash the dishes and wash my laundry] so that when my grandparents get back from Disney World they won't come home to dirty dishes in the sink and on the stove and what not.
   Mata ne. :)
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