Aug 26, 2009 14:05
I am not an ignorant souless bastard, nor are you a socialist nazi.
Finally, I am getting around to writing my opinion on this whole health care issue. It hits close to home as I will be losing my medicaid soon and won't qualify for any subsidized care once my job starts. I have had many periods of time without health care so I treated this subject very carefully, After reading all I could read about the bill, the actual bill itself and processed everything, I have to say there are a couple of very glaring things that concern me about it. There are much smaller things that concern me too, but I could probably live with them if I had to.
One, the vague nature in which it is written, leaves much open to interpretation which is kinda of scary and very easy for the government to change things over time (either in a good or more likely a bad way).
The second thing that concerns me probably the most is that this bill will effectively over time eliminate private insurance companies. Which eliminates competition and choices. My opinion is the government should have little to no involvement what-so-ever with the private insurers. We need to have options, if we don't like what our private insurance says we can go to public insurance. However under the current bill if we do not like what the public insurance is saying we cannot go to a private insurer. I think having both private and public things are good, like having the option of private or public schools.
Alternately, there are several easy ways to start reforming health care with the governments help. Repeal cost hiding, allow Dr.'s and pharmacies reveal their prices so that there can be competition and we the consumers can shop around to get the best deal. Allow insurers to cross state lines to insure whomever wants to be insured by them. That would effectively drop the cost of insurance significantly.
Now, I don't have all the answers and I definitely think we need reform or a public option that covers the scope of people in dire need of health care. However, this specific bill is not the answer and I feel if we rush it because we so badly need health care this minute, we could make a costly mistake. I think Reps on both sides of the table need to sit down and *gasp* work together to carefully create a public option that works for everyone. The government needs to explore all their options and ways that they can reform health care. They need to take their time to create a system that will work and work not just for them, but for the people too over the long run. They need to see that in certain areas government health care is very successful and in others it is not.
I want to make it clear that I am not against reform and I am not solely opposed to a public option, but that is what it needs to be. As the current bill is written it is only an option for a period of time, until all the mandates imposed on the private insurers runs them out of business and doesn't allow them to compete effectively with the government. Health care is a very serious issue and one that should be dealt with, with care. I do not like feeling like this bill is being rushed and forced through. I think everyone needs to take a step back from all the propaganda on both sides and really look over the bill if they can or at least find an unbiased guide to the bill and think is this going to work for me over the long haul? Bottom line whichever way you feel, don't let the extremists at either side bully you or make you feel like your opinion is wrong or that you are stupid. After all opinions are like asshole, everyone has got one.
PS- Please forgive all the grammatical issues. Editing and technical writing was never my strong suit.