Rant, CD!List, and Meme

Sep 25, 2006 00:39

Any of you Supernatural fans noticed the tensions between Wincesters and the het SPN people growing? Like I see everywhere things about Wincest only be good or people whomake a point to show thei art/picspams/fics/WHATEVER are only about them being brothers. Has it just had this long to brew? Is it new people? What is the giant stick up everyones asses? I mean, it's getting as ridiculous as the Republicans and Democrats pitted against one another. I like both. Even if I didn't like both, I would let you have your thoughts without spazzing or needing to tell you you're wrong/sick/dull/WHATEVER. All of what we write/read/create is fake anyway. Kripke isn't going to suddenly write in Wincest. Nor is he going to suddenly bring back Sarah just because there's a majority of het fic out there that just begs for her to show up again. FAKE! So just SIMMER THE FUCK DOWN people! And enjoy the show. Jeez.

So now I have finally compiled my list of cds and a list of what I want. If you have something I want, I will do 1:1 trades. If you don't, I'll take one request from each person. It may take me awhile to upload them all, FYI. But please, I'd love more music!


Stolen from one of many of my flisters posting it.

MF Luder saved the whales

By killing off their only natural predator - man

'What will your Headline be?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Did I die and become Monica Reyes suddenly? O___o. Oh, if you guys could only see the one I did with my real name...LMAO

cd!list, zips

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