Apr 15, 2010 21:39


I was originally going to title this HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, and then I realized this whole ep was and was setting up for one giant hail mary pass and well...it's still appropriate.

Ok, I'm fairly sure I heard it right but did Dean say "BLOW me, Cas?"??!!? I was sitting there sort of in shock for about 5 minutes after that.

And then he comes out with: "last time someone gave me that look, I got laid." AND THEIR REACTIONS. BOTH OF THEM IMMEDIATELY BEFORE AND AFTER THAT LINE. HOLY FRAK.

And then Zach says to Adam: "blah, blah, blahblah, erotically codependent on each other."

And THEN, there was the beating up of Dean. Which was SO EFFING HOT. And deserved. And Cas doesn't try to pass it off.

Sam: What happened to him?
Castiel: Me.

Dean: Don't piss off the nerdy angels.

Sometimes I want to remind Dean that Castiel may be nerdy, but he was a SOLDIER first and foremost. I love the fics that explore Cas' nerdy side, that maybe he doesn't like to fight, etc. But basically, Castiel is SPN's Daniel Jackson. I mean, this incredibly nerdy, hot, but ultimately BAMF-y guy who can't stay dead.

Let's not forget the fight scenes for Castiel. ESPECIALLY that first one. Seeing the blade slice through his coat? Killing the one angel by using the other?? GOD YES. BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKER. GQMF BAMF!!!

And then we get Castiel taking off his tie. Dean's strange expression at that. And then CASTIEL CUTTING HIS CHEST WITH AN EXACTO KNIFE. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I admit, I couldn't focus on the chest (although shirtless? Psssht, whatever Misha. That's merely baring your chest.) because I was like WTFBLEEDINGCAS. Oh, my baby...

Although, Cas. Oh, Cas. You trusted Dean and you let yourself be fooled. You should know better by now. And then...it hurt so much to hear Cas say he didn't have faith in Dean. OUCH. OW, SERIOUSLY. Slay me, why don't you, Kripke? Is "fearless leader" next? But he still gives himself up for Dean. Cas will give anything overandover even if he's lost faith. And how dare you, Dean? Sam's self-righteous? Look who's talking!!

Adam. Oh, Adam, ILU. It was...wow, yeah, he's John's son and Sam and Dean's brother. The stubbornness. The loyalty to family (his mother; it makes sense he wouldn't consider the Winchesters family). The taste in food (haha I loved that Zach commented on that). Dean trying to save him. Adam being so surprised.

AND NOW HE'S MICHAEL. HOLY FUCK. Did his yes to Zach earlier count? I wouldn't think so since Michael didn't immediately take Dean when he said yes. Seems Dean had to say YES to Michael specifically. And so, it could be Michael whisked him off, but considering how the show thinks, unlikely. So how will Dean deal with that? Michael made no promises about Adam being mentally sound after...

The end. I haven't been so happy with Dean/Jensen in a long time. The utter pain and acceptance across his face as he tells Zach yes. And then the WINK. Hahahaha, LOVE it. And then the BAMF-y way he killed Zach. I mean, I'm sort of sad to see Zach go but...IT WAS A KICK ASS WAY TO GO. (Also, if Dean was going to say yes, and Sam thought so too...where'd he get the angel sword? He must have picked it up from where Sam dropped it? Otherwise, it makes me think Dean planned it, but then he admits to Sam he meant to say yes right up until the end. I thought it was planned until he admits to Sam he was going to say yes until he looked at his face.) And the brothers had a conversation. AN ACTUAL CONVERSATION. Which felt like a wonderful apology and a gearing up. THANK YOU.

I admit, I'm not mad at Dean anymore. Well, his behavior in past eps still pisses me off, but he showed concern for Cas and he actually thought about what Sam had said and acknowledged him as right AND then flat-out admitted such to Sam. FINALLY.

This ep was...AMAZING. Everything I could have asked for. Fan service (Wincest and Dean/Cas and the shirt bit with Cas), Adam (I always liked the idea though I know a lot of fans didn't), Castiel being the hottest angel in the garrison, plot, emotions, forgiveness, and A HAIL FUCKING MARY.

(I'm just sad Cas won't be in next week's ep.)


reviews: supernatural

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