I have no clever title...

Apr 15, 2010 00:46

1. I have so much schoolwork to do. And none of it is getting done. Doesn't help I'm trying to get my summer life settled (like, you know, a job) and thinking about moving. I AM OMG STRESSED OUT.

2. Supernatural tomorrow night! I'm super excited for that one Dean&Cas scene. And I think it'll be good. But one moment I go from UBEREXCITED to meh. Think this is like when people get stressed at work and their sex life flags? Or is it just my irritation at certain things?

3. However, I'm in the middle of writing a SPN fic and it's frustrating me because I have ideas and WANT to write but I can't because I have to write papers and grade papers and lots of other crap that is getting in the way. Boo.

4. I've been reading a bunch of SGA fic getting my recs for crack_van for this month and it makes me REALLY miss the show. I want to mainline all 5 seasons like RIGHT NOW. I miss McKay and Sheppard...plus, I need some happy in my life. Dean and Cas are too doom and gloom right now.

5. HI NEW FRIENDS! *waves* You probably won't see much of me for the next two weeks because I have two research papers due and a ton of other crap. But after that, and FOR SURE in about 4 weeks, I'll be back full force. Then again, I may be on LJ ALL THE TIME as a form of procrastination. We'll see how that shakes out. Anyway, don't ditch me! I'm not gone. Merely...swamped.lol


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