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Jun 29, 2009 15:07

Ok, in for a quick jaunt (at the library) because I am desperate! I read this AMAZING Star Trek: Reboot fic (see below for rec) and now I am craving other fantastic Kirk/Spock reboot fics. Please tell me there are more out there! Rec away, please, please, please. I am dying of boredom. And, does anyone have or have links to all the ST promo shots? Or your favorite Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto photo shoots? Pictures of them together? I want there to be another movie, like NOW. It's just this craving. I would appreciate anything you can share with me. My Google-fu is seriously lacking of late.

Now, rec time!!

You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While) by seperis

I don't want to spoil the plot because it's so good and you'll figure it out soon enough if you're a ST fan. But trust me when I say the characterization is so spot on. The storyline and backstory really build up the relationship and the characters. She manages to bring in several of the other crew members into the story as well as the politics of Starfleet. It's a beautiful, emotional, and heart-moving story that will have you sweating and needing a cold shower as the tension builds.

recs: star trek

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