Grr SPN Fandom; Roswell

Jun 15, 2009 22:46

Why? Why does every fangirl hate the women on Supernatural? And why can't there be romantic interests? I proudly slash Wincest. I also like Dean/Castiel. But I have no issue with the boys with someone else. What is so damn wrong about it? Why CAN'T Dean and Anna hook up (beyond the fact that their name would have to be DeAnna, LOL)? I don't see how they are so horrible together. She's not a bad actress and not a bad character. But, I don't get the Ruby hate either. I actually thought the evil was a copout, but that aside, she was still a kickass character. *throws shoes in rant-like rage*

I am currently on hold for TNG as I have to wait to get more seasons from my friend, so I started Roswell tonight. Has anyone else seen this AND Twilight? Alternate "vampire" for "alien" and NO LIE, it's the exact same plot. the alien's all, we can't be together, no one can know, I saved your life. And the chick's all shocked that he's an alien (which, there's a biolab scene that is incredibly similar to the blood test/bio scene in the Twilight novel), devises a plan so that no one suspects, and falls in love. There's also a sheriff. And the female POV voiceover.

Why can't they get together? Who cares if you're different? Does it really matter if your biology is different? You can't kiss??? Have these people never watched Star Trek?

And why is no one attractive on this show?

On the other hand, the composed music is pretty awesome. The music in the episodes? Kind of cheesy. Also, Katherine Heigl. WEIRD.

OH! And Toby Ziegler is on this show. That makes it worthwhile.

Is Roswell a Vancouver show? Leyla (from SPN) is on this show. I like that actress.

reviews: misc, tv: supernatural, tv: misc

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