The FBI is on my mind...

Jan 31, 2008 17:44

And so is SUPERNATURAL. Because it's BACK. In BLACK. Maybe. Actually, I don't know. But here's like four weeks worth of spn_fridayfive.

1.) January 24th was Dean Winchester's birthday! How do you think Sam and Dean celebrated (or didn't) Dean's last (unless Sam saves him) birthday?

Sam probably bought him a stripper. Or they just sat at a bar and drank because Dean didn't want it to be a big deal. (Plus, one year closer to 30--Dean likes to pretend that isn't right. He's worse than a girl that way.)

2.) Why do you think John told Dean about the world of the supernatural when Dean was just a kid, but didn't bother to tell Sam?

Well, as the baby (of the family), and the fact that it kind of happened to/because of him, I imagine John wanted to protect Sam as long as he could.

3.) In "Bloody Mary", Sam's eyes bled because he kept his dreams about Jessica dying to himself. Dean's eyes bleed, too! Do you think the series has already revealed what Dean was guilty for? Or do you think we've yet to find out why Dean's eyes bled?

I think Dean has so many, we'll never find out.

4.) We already know Sam is very heavily involved with the mytharc (Yellow-Eyed Demon, Sam's powers/non-powers, "Boy King", etc.) of the show, but do you think Dean's Deadly Deal will finally get him directly involved in the mytharc? Or do you think Dean's Deadly Deal has nothing to do with the mytharc? Or something else?

Hmm. Good question, actually. I think someone involved in the mytharc might use it to their advantage. I think Sam would literally walk into Hell to get Dean back. And that can be used against him.

Dean (on Ruby): She knows your weakness! And it's me.

5.) In the season 2 finale, Sam was officially dead for a short while. We know from "In My Time of Dying" that the dead can hang around for a short while before completely passing on. Do you think Sam went through a similar experience while he was dead? If so, what kinds of experiences do you imagine he had? Or do you think he just automatically passed on without lingering like Dean in IMTOD?

I like to think that everything just stopped for Sam. That he was so crucial, he was held in the balance. Either that, or he really did interact with the demons of Hell somehow to validify YED's claims that Sam might not be all Sam.

1.) What do you think about the Supernatural magazine? If you haven't read an issue yet, what do you think about the magazines from what you've read/heard about them?

I have no opinion. I'm kind of a bad fan that way. I don't read XF, SGA, SPN's too much hassle to find them. And repetitive after awhile.

2.) Do you feel the Supernatural: Origins comics are helping you to better understand the Supernatural verse/the history of our characters? Or do you think we could do just as well without the comics?

Haven't read them.

3.) What was your favorite aspect of the world Dean created in "What Is and What Should Never Be"?

Dean having someone who understood him. Whatever her name was.

4.) In "Devil's Trap" (season 1 finale), Dean said, "I swear to God I will march into hell, myself, and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches." Do you think when Dean's Deadly Demon Deal comes to a conclusion anyone will be doing any marching into hell? Or do you think Sam will save him before the very last second? Or something else?

Who says him going to Hell and marching there aren't the same thing. I don't think Dean will make it easy on the denizens of that realm once he's there. If he goes.

5.) Ruby is sort of like the Meg of season 3-- she even has a thing for Sam! Do you prefer Ruby or Meg? Please explain your answer.

Ruby. I mean, I loved Meg. And they're both snarky demons. But something about Ruby's snotty attitude (and things like "these are like deep-friend crack") just endear her to me. Meg was slightly cooler in the evil arena, though. But then, Ruby handles herself fairly well.

1.) How do you feel about the fact that Supernatural reruns are going to be replaced by Reaper after the next four episodes air?

As I have no say, I have no opinion. Maybe CW wants to phase it out. maybe they think the move is better. I don't know. But, if SPN can gain ratings because its not competing with GA and CSI anymore, that would make me happy. *shrugs*

2.) Have you read either/both of the Supernatural companion novels? If so, how would you like future Supernatural novels to compare or contrast to the two existing novels?

Nope. Didn't know there were any yet.

3.) How has the WGA strike/hiatus affected you? Has it helped you to explore other parts of the Supernatural fandom? Or do you feel yourself drifting away?

Neither. it's like hiatus. I fade a little in enthusiasm, but not enough where I don't come back.

4.) If Dean dies, what do you think Sam will do? Will he continue to hunt? Live an 'apple pie' life? Jump off a cliff? Or something else?

Jump off a cliff. LOL!! No, he won't be normal and he won't just hunt. He'll do everything possible to get Dean back and kill a bunch of bad guys in the interim.

5.) Do you think the supernatural creatures that the boys fight off every week are too two-dimensional? Should the writers give them more substance sort of like they did with Madison from "Heart" so that it's harder for the boys to just blast them away?

Since Madison irritated me...but beyond that, I think they do give dimension to some. I think we see with people like Ruby, Kasey, and Lenore(?), they aren't all bad. And then you've got Gordon (or did) who is human but worse than about 1/3 of the things they kill.

1.) Of the gag reels from season 1 and season 2 (if you still haven't seen them, you can find them on youtube), which scene was the most memorable to you? Why?

Jared and his Zoolander faces.

2.) Of all the other TV shows and/or movies Jared and Jensen have done, which is your favorite? Why?

Jared: Gilmore Girls. come on, I love that show. Jensen: Dark Angel, I think.

3.) How do you feel about fans writing fan fiction (of any rating) that feature Jared and Jensen?

Since I've done it, I certainly couldn't point fingers, now could I? I don't mind. As long as people still treat it as fiction.

4.) What are your feelings about the music on Supernatural? Has it opened your eyes to an entirely new kind of music? Do you suddenly love classic rock? Or is it the classical episodic compositions (by Christopher Lennertz and the like) that have affected you? Or has the music not affected you at all?

It brought back my love of classic rock. I mean, I'll never be quite so into it as I am pop that I've grown up with or the classics (Sinatra) that I love, but it's nice to listen to it again. The doesn't stand out like The X-Files. I mean, it makes a nice moment here and there, but I don't hum it in my head or anything.

5.) If Supernatural were ever to become popular with the mainstream media (sort of like Grey's Anatomy or CSI is today), how do you think our show would affect the media and potential new viewers? What would you hope potential new viewers consider about Supernatural before and after watching it?

I really have no answer to this. *shrugs*

Happy Supernatural Day!!

friday five

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