Mar 25, 2008 01:13


Level: 06. Indie Artist

Name: Mezi (If you join, tell them I referred you!)
Joined: 09.02.2007
Cards: 307
Music Points: 850
Mastered: An Cafe, The GazettE, D'espairsRay,
SuG, LM.C, Dir en grey, Dolly, Vidoll, Ayabie
Collecting: Girugamesh
Wishlist: D, DangerGang, Nightmare, Serial Number

T r a d e C a r d s

+1 (trade w/ Emily)
+1 (trade w/ Zaph)
+2 (Complete the Deck)
+3 (trade w/ Rina)
+3 (trade w/ Britti)

x 26

x 22

x 12

x 4

x 9

L o t t e r y

03, 09, 12, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28

M e m b e r C a r d

C o l l e c t e d M e m b e r C a r d s


An Cafe - 09.23.2007
Gazette - 10.02.2007
D'espairsRay - 10.04.2007
SuG - 11.03.2007 (first!)

LM.C - 11.11.2007
Dolly - 11.12.2007 (first!)
Dir en grey - 11.12.2007
Vidoll - 01.09.2008

Waiting for image!


C u r r e n t l y C o l l e c t i n g


T o C o l l e c t E v e n t u a l l y


Serial Number

P e n d i n g M a s t e r s



D o u b l e s !
P e n d i n g

L a y o u t

- played Easy Puzzle, got 5MP and plastictree11
- played What Album?, got 15MP, girugamesh10 and larcenciel15
- played Picture Puzzle, got 5MP, despairsray03 and 1201202

- received starter deck (alicenine15, ancafe04, ancafe10, direngrey05, girugamesh13, hyde03, miyavi11)
- received random card via email - miyavi13
- traded my miyavi11 and miyavi13 for xiao ling's gazette03 and gazette14.
- played Pick a Drummer, got ancafe02, ancafe05 and 30MP!
- traded larcenciel15 to Kayori for despairsray07.
- played Easy Puzzle, got bis10 and 5MP
- played Blurry Photo (Members), got gazette15, girugamesh04, and 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (Band), got ancafe01 and 5MP.
- played Misnamed MP3, got kagrra10, plastictree09 and 15MP.
- played Hard Puzzle, got kagrra15, alicenine06 and 15MP.
- played Spilled Milk, got larcenciel09 and 10MP.
- traded kagrra15 to Pam for gazette12.

- played Pick a Drummer, got ancafe09, malicemizer13 and 25MP
- traded malicemizer15 to Pam for gazette05.
- traded kagrra10 to xiao ling for gazette07.
- traded plastictree09 to Zaph for ancafe12.

- traded 1201202 to Brittany for ancafe03.

- played Guess the PV, got kra12, kra15, and 15MP
- played Spilled Milk, got mucc15 and 10MP
- played Complete the Deck, got ancafe04 in exchange for kra12 (+1 to trade).
- played Hard Puzzle, got despairsray04, 1201201 and 15MP.

- traded in (forum) ancafe04 for miyavi02.
- collected winnings from Battle of the Bands (forum). Got 35MP (15 + 20 posts), larcenciel14, miyavi05, and schwarzstein10.

- traded alicenine06 to Misa for direngrey06.
- traded schwarzstein10 to Puu for despairsray09.
- traded hyde03 to Ambar for despairsray10.
- gathered prizes from Jrock Alphabet (forum), won 5MP.
- played Picture Puzzle, got direngrey02, 1201204, and 15MP.

- played Easy Puzzle, got vidoll13 and 5MP.
- played Picture Puzzle, got d08, 1201214, 15MP.
- played Blurry Photo (band), got alicenine08 and 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (members), got plastictree08, alicenine12, 5MP.
- freebie (Update) - got gazette09.
- played Pick a Drummer, got ancafe11, akfg08, 25MP.

- played Misnamed MP3, got lmc01, d06 and 15MP.

- traded alicenine08 to Arashi for despairsray13.
- traded miyavi05 to xiao ling for despairsray12.

- found the silver Missing CD, got direngrey06 and plastictree12.
- found the gold Missing CD, got gazette08, girugamesh03, and 15MP.

- Level up! - got ancafe06, dangergang09, schwarzstein06, and 15MP.
- received reward (forum) for donations - schwarzstein03, glay05, d08, +1 Choice Coupon, and 25MP.
- played Hard Puzzle, got dangergang04, alicenine13, 15MP.
- played Spilled Milk, got girugamesh11 and 5MP.

- freebie (Update) - got dangergang06 and dangergang07.
- traded girugamesh03 to Faithy for despairsray08.
- traded miyavi02 to Puu for gazette06.
- traded glay05 to Misa for direngrey10.

- traded lmc01 and direngrey06 to Britti for ancafe07 and despairsray02.
- traded in (forum) d08 for bis12.

- played Easy Puzzle, got plastictree04, 5MP.
- played Picture Puzzle, got alicenine09, plastictree13, 15MP.
- played Blurry Picture (both rounds), got kagrra03, glay14, hide08, 10MP.
- gave schwarzstein06 to Complete the Deck, waiting on prize: +1 to trade.

- received prize for last round of Complete the Deck: +1 Choice Coupon.
- played Pick a Drummer, got ancafe13, bis12, 25MP.
- traded hide08, alicenine13, and alicenine15 to Mi-chan for gazette10, direngrey12, and direngrey13.

- received cards from trading in bis12 to the forum-- received schwarzstein08 in return.
- played Hard Puzzle, got alicenine02, 1201207, and 15MP.
- played Spilled Milk, got ayabie02 and 5MP.
- played Guess the PV, got ancafe15, lmc10, 5MP.
- received random card from playing Complete the Deck (forum) - mucc06.

- traded girugamesh11 and vidoll13 to Tessa for gazette11 and despairsray06.
- new deck (freebie) - took charlotte01 and charlotte02.
- filled trade card, received ancafe08, girugamesh07, kana15.

- traded 1201201 and 1201204 to Misaki for gazette01 and gazette10.
- traded plastictree04 to Rina for ancafe14.
- traded (forum) in gazette10 for 176biz04.

- Mastered An Cafe! - received gazette04, gazette13, ayabie04, dangergang11, 25MP.
- added to Complete the Deck (forum), traded schwarzstein08 for dangergang10.
- played Card Claim (forum), received despairsray01 and gazette01.
- played Easy Puzzle, got gazette05 and 5MP.
- played What Album, got mucc05, ancafe03, 5MP.
- played Spilled Milk, got 1201201 and 5MP.
- played Misnamed MP3, got lmc06, kana15, 15MP.
- played Picture Puzzle, got alicenine05, girugamesh04, 15MP.
- played Blurry Photo (band), got kagrra06 and 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (members), got girugamesh15, kra07, 5MP.
- traded charlotte02 to xiao ling for despairsray11.

- new decks (freebies): dolly01, doremidan03, xjapan13.
- found the silver Missing CD, got alicenine08 and plastictree03.
- found the gold Missing CD, got kagrra07, vidoll06, and 15MP.
- played Hard Puzzle, got girugamesh06, vidoll08, 15MP.
traded in (forum) kana15 and girugamesh04 for miyavi02 and lmc12.
- Level up! Received gazette02, lolita23q10, charlotte01, 15MP.
- played Pick a Drummer, received ayabie06, +1 Choice Coupon, 25MP.
- Lottery - received direngrey14.

- Mastered Gazette! - received despairsray14, despairsray15, schwarzstein10, dolly06, 25MP.
- traded in (forum) charlotte01 for serialnumber12.
- traded in 1 Choice Coupon for despairsray05.

- Mastered D'espairsRay! - received girugamesh01, girugamesh02, serialnumber02, xjapan12 and 25MP.

- played What Album?, received existtrace04, akfg10, 5MP.

- new decks (freebies): layout01, nightmare01, nightmare02, nightmare03.
- late update (freebies from 10/04/2007): vidoll07.
- picked up coupon from Round 2 of Complete the Deck (+1 Choice)

- played Complete the Deck! (forum), traded existtrace04 for kamotsu07. (+1 to trade)
- played Card Claim, got existtrace06, 1201213, and direngrey09.
- played Misnamed MP3, got lmc14, vidoll12, and 15MP.
- played Lyrical, got alicenine11, dolly12, 5MP.
- played Easy Puzzle, got kra11 and 5MP.

- played What Album?, received lmc07, charlotte11, 5MP.
- played Spilled Milk, received lmc04 and 5MP.
- found the silver Missing CD, got ayabie10, dolly13.
- found the gold Missing CD, got miyavi02, larcenciel10, 15MP.
- played Pick a Drummer, received girugamesh01, vidoll05, 25MP.

- new decks (freebies): kiyoharu01 and sug01.
- traded kiyoharu01 to xiao ling for sug15.
- traded 1201207 to Elizabethh for girugamesh12.
- traded in (forum) miyavi02 for kamotsu09.
- played Easy Puzzle, received kana05 and 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (band), received mucc12 and 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (members), received existtrace03, dangergang01, 5MP.
- played Lyrical, received existtrace09, vidoll09, 5MP.

- traded kana15 and dangergang10 to Rinoa for girugamesh08 and sug06.
- played Impossible Puzzle, got serialnumber11, kamotsu10, direngrey03, +1 Choice Coupon, and 50MP.
- traded kra07 and ancafe03 to xiao ling for direngrey07 and direngrey08.
- traded glay14 to Maia for sug04.
- played Misnamed MP3, received doremidan12, sugizo14, 15MP.
- played What PV?, received kamotsu04, charlotte14, 5MP.
- traded 176biz04 to Rina for lmc03.
- traded plastictree03, alicenine02, alicenine05, alicenine08, alicenine09, alicenine11, alicenine12 to Rina for lmc02, lmc08, lmc11, dolly02, dolly04, dolly07, dolly11.
- traded ayabie10 and plastictree11 to Faithy for sug05 and sug13.
- traded kagrra03 to Ai for sug12.
- traded xjapan13 to Mi-chan for vidoll11.

- played Spilled Milk, received sugizo08 and 5MP.
- played Hard Puzzle, received j04, fake15, 15MP.
- bought 5-Choice Pack, -700MP; received sug07, sug09, sug10, sug11, sug14.
- filled trade card, received sug03, schwarzstein10, serialnumber06.
- Level up! Received sug02, kra03, gazette05, 15MP.
- traded plastictree12 and kra11 to xiao ling for dolly09 and dolly10.

- received reward (forum) for donations: level badges - eveofdestiny10, lolita23q07, kra06, serialnumber09, xjapan14, xjapan01, malicemizer01, ancafe11, ancafe09, alicenine06, +1 Choice, 30MP.
- received reward (forum) for donations: lottery tickets - lmc15, akfg12, gazette08, lolita23q15, 20MP.
- received reward (forum) for donations: master badges - inugami06, alicenine10, kra13, xjapan15, sugizo15, 1201207, +1 Choice, 20MP.

- traded kagrra07 to Pam for sug08.

- traded alicenine06, alicenine10, and 1201201 to Rina for vidoll04, vidoll13, and vidoll14.

- found the silver Missing CD, got direngrey11 and kagrra07.
- played Easy Puzzle, got 176biz14 and 5MP.
- played Lyrical, got lolita23q14, glay12, 5MP.
- played Blurry Picture (band), got direngrey15, 5MP.
- had a Card Match (x2), got larcenciel03, sugizo14, 25MP.
- played Hard Puzzle, got serialnumber10, kiyoharu11, 15MP.
- played Spilled Milk, got plastictree04, 5MP.
- found the gold Missing CD, got fake09, ayabie12 and 15MP.
- traded kiyoharu11 to xiao ling for lmc13.

- freebie (Update) - lmc01 and direngrey01.
- played Impossible Puzzle, received kra12, sugizo04, vidoll14, +1 Choice, 50MP.

- Level Up! - got dolly05, dolly08, hyde14, kiyoharu14, nightmare10, 20MP.
- Mastered SuG! - got lmc05, ancafe14, miyavi11, 25MP.
- traded 176biz14 to Rina for dolly15.

- received rewards for playing Collect the Deck! (round 3), got +1 Choice Coupon.
- played Easy Puzzle, received d05, 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (band), received 176biz12, 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (members), received bis05, alicenine08, 5MP.
- had a Card Match (x2), received bis05, inugami08, 25MP.
- played Lyrical, received dangergang08, plastictree09, 5MP.
- traded 1201213 to Rina for vidoll01.

- traded miyavi11 and gazette05 to Rina for vidoll10 and dolly14.

- Lottery - received vidoll04, lmc14, 5MP.

- played Hard Puzzle, received alicenine14, kiyoharu10, and 15MP.
- played Spilled Milk, received serialnumber05 and 5MP.

- traded ancafe09 to Zaph for lmc09.

- traded in 1 Choice Coupon (x2) for dolly03 and direngrey04.

- traded sugizo04, sugizo14, and sugizo15 to Zaph for ayabie05, ayabie08 and ayabie15.
- traded doremidan12, lolita23q07, and lolita23q14 to xiao ling for ayabie10, ayabie11, and dangergang14.

- traded charlotte01 to Mrowr for ayabie09.

- traded kamotsu07, kamotsu09, and kamotsu10 to Emily for nightmare05, doremidan12 and doremidan15.

- late update (freebies): inugami08, plastictree05, ancafe10, existtrace03, glay15, hyde03, kamotsu03, hide02, 1 Choice Coupon (x2), 75MP.
- new decks (freebies): abc06, euphoria10, onmyouza10, aya07.
- traded abc06 to Zaph for dangergang02.
- filled third trade card, received girugamesh02, ayabie13, charlotte02, and ancafe14.
- Mastered LM.C! - received vidoll02, ayabie06, bis10, 25MP.
- Mastered Dolly! - received vidoll03, kagrra10, kiyoharu11, 25MP.
- Mastered Dir en grey! - received vidoll15, d07, alicenine05, 25MP.

- traded member cards with Zaph.
- Mastered Vidoll! - received ayabie14, charlotte13, hyde08, 25MP.
- played Easy Puzzle, received lolita23q12 and 5MP.

- traded in (forum) ancafe14, bis05, bis10, existtrace03, inugami08, schwarzstein10 for despairsray05, lmc12, 176biz07, larcenciel15, direngrey14, sug06.
- played What PV?, received ayabie01, sugizo13 and 5MP.
- played Hard Puzzle, received d03, 1201204, 15MP.
- played Spilled Milk, received 1201211 and 5MP.
- played Lyrical, received miyavi15, akfg11, and 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (band), received hyde13 and 5MP.
- played Impossible Puzzle, received lolita23q11, sugizo05, d01, girugamesh05, 50MP.
- had a Card Match (x3), received dolly09, schwarzstein07, alicenine09, 25MP.
- found the silver Missing CD, received girugamesh09 and alicenine10.
- received reward (forum) for donations: deck images - ayabie07, sugizo12, kana09, 15MP.

- played Spilled Milk, received d04 and 5MP.
- played Hard Puzzle, received d15, serialnumber03, 15MP.
- added to Complete the Deck (forum), traded direngrey14 for gazette10.
- played Pick a Drummer, received alicenine01, kamotsu04, and 10MP.
- traded in (forum) kamotsu04 for doremidan01.
- traded gazette01, hide02, existtrace09, 04mezi to Rina for lolita23q07, dangergang12, serialnumber07, 03rina.
- traded 04mezi to Emily for 05emily.

- Level up! - got ayabie01, ayabie03, xjapan04, lolita23q15, dolly02, 20MP.
- traded akfg08, ancafe11, and gazette05 to Britti for nightmare04, nightmare15, and serialnumber01.
- found the gold Missing CD, received sugizo13, gazette05, 15MP.
- played Card Claim, claimed dangergang05, lolita23q06, serialnumber08.
- picked up coupon from Round 4 of Complete the Deck (+1 Choice)
- added to Complete the Deck (forum), traded gazette05 for (waiting!).
- traded 03mezi to Britti for 20britti.

- new decks (freebies) - received: screw14, screw12, anna02, anna15, dollismarry06, dollismarry07 (+1 Dollis Marry for donating images)
- played Blurry Photo (band), got charlotte07, 5MP.
- played Blurry Photo (members), got girugamesh03, girugamesh11, 5MP.
- played Easy Puzzle, got doremidan04 and 5MP.


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