Because I actually did ALL my homework
...well actually I still have to skim 20 pages for theo...but I did everything else. I figured that I've been just coasting and that it might not be enough to just coast and still get B's. I mean all my classes were simple enough that I could have gotten A's in them...except for ConLaw where I feel like I don't get sucks so much to think you're doing so badly and to not be able to do things correctly in a class that's so important for me...but yet I'm doing's so frustrating. But I cannot have C's...that' s not allowed for me. So I need to get it together b/c the semester is almost over. I also realized that Bob Marley
is really really good music to listen to while studying...don't ask why. but try it! um, omg! samantha totally hooked up with this guy named kevin last night. She's had her eye on him for a while and I knew she was going to hook up with him...and when I say hook up I do not mean a random makeout session
. Anyway, I should go skim those pages. Hope everyone's week starts off right.