Dec 24, 2009 12:50
Years like 2009 test my patience. I see what I've lost, what I've given up and what just ended naturally, and I feel a little like a canvas whose paint has been stripped off. There's two sides to that analogy, half of it being that I've lost a lot of what defined my identity, what gave me some comfort in an otherwise cold world, but the other half being that I can now start on something else, something better.
I guess it's important to assess what I have, where I am:
-Nightmare Glasses: totally infatuated with it, enthralled with the possibilities of future songs, future shows, future releases, future tours
-teaching encaustics classes: something I feel sort of predisposed to doing, and getting cash money for it
-a handful of friends that I can count as some of the most loving and understanding that I've ever had
So, all is not lost. I guess it's the defined networks that are really the big thing that suffered this year. Most of the players are still there, still ready to go. It just kinda sucks having to rebuild something that was already assembled.
Better times.